This is goodbye...

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With Orson gone, Lily was now in command of the raptors with her intelligence and her speed.

Buck: Boys, Lily, that was a fine job. Better than fine. I'd say super even. You made this old weasel proud. [as Lefty] Who are you calling old?

Ellie: Crash! Eddie!

Crash and Eddie turned and saw Ellie overjoyed. Amber and Silver were right beside her.

Both: Ellie!

Beaming with joy, Crash and Eddie ran up to  Ellie and hug. Lily ran up to her mother and father, overjoyed that her family came for her.

Eddie: We're so sorry! We shouldn't have left without saying goodbye.

Crash: You came all the way down here to find us.

Eddie: You put yourself in danger.

Crash: Cause you think we could take care of ourselves.

Eddie: With good reason, and you worried about us.

Crash: Cause you really care about us.

Ellie: Boys, slow down. I'm the one who should be sorry. I was scared of losing you. I love you guys.

Both: We love you too...

Even through being strained by Ellie's grip, they still managed to hold out for a moment.

Manny: Hey. You guys actually did it. I'm proud of you. I never doubted them.

Diego: Boys, I didn't know you had it in you. Mostly because you act like totally dimwits all the time.

Sid: I love family reunions. But there's no buffet so time to head home.

Eddie: About that-

But then Buck and Zee appear beside Lily's side.

Buck: Hello mates! This is Zee. she's a very dear friend.

Ellie: It's nice to meet you, Zee. The way you took charge out there, I'd swear you were part possum.

Crash: Actually, she's a zorilla.

Eddie: It's like a skunk only cooler.

Zee: And my name may or may not be Zsa Zsa. We were lucky to have possums, and a human girl join our superhero squad.

Crash and Eddie's eye grew wide with amazement.

Eddie: Really? A superhero squad?

Buck: She said it. I didn't.

Crash: You're probably gonna want our autographs.

Manny: No thanks.

Diego: I'm good.

Lily giggled as Buck petted her head.

Buck: Well, know that you've had your big adventure, I suppose you'll be heading back home. After all, you're probably bored of old buck and his daring action packed thrill a minute lifestyle.

Eddie: Yeah.

Crash: Total snoozefest.

They turn to Ellie. They knew they need to make a choice. A big choice of their lives.

Crash: Actually, the truth is Eddie and I have been thinking.

Eddie: Which were slowly getting better at.

Ellie: Yeah.

Crash: The thing is.. We kinda like it here.

Eddie: Uh....We wanna stay down here, but we wanna know that you'll be okay.

Silver can't believe it. Her daughter was growing up, and she knew it was her time to discover her own destiny.

Ellie: It seems like it was just yesterday we were kids. I thought we'd always be together. Are you sure it's what you want?

They nod their heads yes.

Ellie: Then I'll be fine.

Excited, the small mammals and Lily cheered.

Eddie: We're staying!

Buck: Oh magic! I've been a loner for to long. Zee made me realize we're all stronger together then apart. It's time for me to have a real family.

The brothers cheered happily. 

Manny: I can't believe I'm saying but I'm gonna miss you guys.

Eddie: Yeah, we'll miss you guys too.

Diego: Yeah.  Okay, enough with this lovefest.

Sid: Is that a tear in your eye Diego?

Diego: No. and it never happened.

Sid: Look at you. You're such a softy.

With tears in their eyes, they hugged  Ellie one last time and Lily shared her final goodbye to her family.

Ellie: Promise me you'll visit all the time.

Eddie: We will.

Crash: Especially when we need something.

With one final goodbye, they joined Lily as the herd and her parents left them in the Lost World. Lily stared at the great view of the Lost world with her small mammal friends. It seemed like her new generation had came to her.

Change is scary but it is the way of the world. And now I realize it can help us grow into who we're meant to be, even if that takes us to new places. The only thing that stays the same is the love we have for each other. That's the thing about a heard. You're about of it even when you're apart.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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