The Wedding

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As they returned home, the rest of the Geotopia mammals found a spa with a little bit of dead trees and dirt. This was the only place they had to stay.

Sid: Are you sure you can't come with us?

Brooke: Oh, Sidney, I wish I could. But we both know this is for the best. You've got your whole life in front of you. Besides, I'll have Granny to keep me company.

Sid: You're staying, too?

Granny: Are you kidding? This place is great! Tonight's the big talent show, and tomorrow, naked bingo!

Ted: You coming, Gladys? I ain't getting any younger! Whoo!

Granny: What? I can't hear you!

Brooke: You'll always be my one true love. Here.

She gave Sid a drawing of herself on a stone tab.

Sid: Wow! Hold on.

He then started to scribble something on the stone tab. It was a scribble of himself.

Brook: It looks just like you.

Sid: Now we'll be with each other forever.

Brook: So long, handsome!

Granny: Bye, Sidney!

And so everyone left them behind so that the old mammals can hang out.

Ted: What you need is more fiber.

Mammal: He's right.

All of a sudden, a small crystal landed in the pool and into a crack. Something magical brought everything to life. Shangri Llama started to gain his youth back.

Shangri Llama: Shangri Llama's back on top, baby!

Everyone gasped and started gaining their young ages back again.

Ted: Gladys?

Granny also had change too. She now had a lovely Afro and a female touch to her body.

Granny: Well, hello Teddy Bear! Hot tubbin' just got a whole lot hotter.

Shangri Llama: Amazing! It's like some kind of "Fountain of Never Getting Old!" Well, we can workshop the name later.

From the forests life flourished from the trees and flowers bloom bright. A new Geotopia is created.


The wedding was ready to begin. Silver and Pip saw the animals gathering here. She could see Diego, Shira, Buck,  and Sid. Many animals are totally ready for this.

Sid: Where's the bride? Why don't I have the bride?

Diego: 'Cause you're talking into a twig.

Mole: Mom, I can't talk. I'm at a wedding.

Female mole What do you mean you can't talk? Who are you with?

A female Start came by for a moment including an aardvark.

Claire: Um, excuse me. Is it true you helped save the world from an asteroid?

Shira: That's a very scary story. You think you can handle it?

Both: Yeah.

Claire: How scary?

Diego: Well, we were It was five minutes to midnight... and we were up against volcanoes, dino-birds, and the end of the world.

Shira: Oh, and the zombies! Don't forget the zombies! You know, we'd be great parents.

Diego: So I turn to Bigfoot, and I say, "Listen, big guy..."

Peaches poked her head from the vines for a moment. She's nervous for this.

Peaches: I don't know. I don't know! What am I gonna do?

Ellie: Sweetie, listen to me. This is normal, okay? Everyone gets nervous.

Manny: What's going on? What happened?

Peaches: It's just... I can't go. How can I go? I don't wanna leave you guys.

Manny: Hey, Fuzzball... remember the first time that we played hockey? You were so afraid to get on the ice because it was slippery? Remember how I held you up while you started to skate? And when I knew you were ready, I let you go.

Peaches: Aw, Dad.

Manny: I know you're ready. Now you have to let go.

Ellie: I always knew it would take someone very special to match your spirit. And you found him. Just like I did. It's your time, sweetie. See the world, chase your dreams.

Manny: And whenever you decide to come back... we'll be here, okay?

Peaches: Okay.

Putting her flower crown on, Peaches exit out with Crash and Eddie tossing flowers. It was that moment she had been waiting for. Julian takes Peaches hand to the stage. the hydrax appeared form the stone made podium.

Hydrax: Do you...

Peaches: I do.

Hydrax: And do you...

Julian: Most def.

Everyone cheered as they celebrated. Pip blew her nose with a leaf, not an poison Ivy though. Sid seemed sad about leaving Brooke. He hope he'll see her again.

Brooke: Sid!

Hearing a voice, Sid turned around and saw Brooke. She was young again.

Sid: Brooke! This is amazing! You're young again. And somehow, I'm still single.

Brooke: I guess the universe was smiling on us.

Sid: I have so many questions for you. What happened? How'd you find me? Have you tried the shrimp?

Brooke: Shh. Close that pretty little mouth of yours and just listen. This is dedicated to the sloth of my dreams.

Beaver: That guy? For real?

Brooke then started singing. Her voice is lovely. Then the beat came to the beat. Silver giggled as she held Lily close. Everyone started to join the party.

Manny: Sid? I never thought I'd say this, but you did a great job on the wedding. I owe you big time, pal.

Sid: You sure do. Here's my bill. Father of the bride pays for the wedding. It's a tradition I just invented.

Manny: Wait a minute, this is ridiculous. Look what you're charging for flowers!

Sid: Flowers ain't cheap.

Manny: No! They're free! We're in a forest! This bill is outrageous!

Silver sighed as she looked up upon the stars. She surely had so many adventures with her friends during the pass. How they met, how she joined the herd, meeting new friends, and starting a family of her own. Perhaps someday, It appears that the Ice age is always unfrozen.

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