Our Fault

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Sunset was drawing near. Crash and Eddie had returned to the boat as Zee comforts the female t rex who had recovered. Pip and Lily watched as Mama roars softly.

Zee: Easy now. Just get your strength back, Mama T. Orson's taking Buck back to the watering hole. Meet us there.

Zee then went back to the boat as she picked up the knife Buck had dropped. And so, the group went on ready to save Buck. Around the jungles, frightened mammals begin to hide from the raptors. As night fell, Crash and Eddie felt terrible.

Crash: This is our fault, Eddie. Buck said it was a bad time for us to visit.

Eddie: Yeah. if he didn't have to look out for us, maybe this never would have happened.

Crash: I wish we've could have something to help him.

Eddie: Like what?

Crash: I don't know. Something cool, like master the power of lightning.

Eddie: How awesome would that be.

Crash: Yeah, we be all zap this and zap that. And zap the first thing again.

For a moment, Eddie sighed defeated slumping down still feeling depressed.

Eddie: Face it, bro. We're never gonna be lighting masters or make our mark, or pretty much to anything . Ellie was right about us. We're not ready to be on our own.

But then, Zee threw a knife at the bone boat, causing them to yelp. Pip and Lily looked. Zee seemed determined not to give up.

Zee: Is this what Buck would do? Give up?

Eddie: But we let him down.

Zee: Which means it's time to buck up.

Crush: You mean rush in without thinking?

Zee: Well, he would do that. I, however, wouldn't have left without a plan to rescue him. But I'm gonna need your help.

Eddie: We could if we had a superpower.

Zee: Remember what Buck told you. It's not powers that make a superhero.

For a moment,  the possums eyes lit up.

Eddie: It's courage.

Crash: And resourcefulness.

Eddie: Maybe's that's our problem, Crash. Whenever we're in trouble, all we do is play dead.

Crash: Well, it is go to move.

Eddie: Yeah, but it's kinda the opposite of courage.

Crash: Yeah, I see that. But where can we get courage?

Zee: You already had it. Right here.

She motioned them something in their heart as she pointed her finger to Lily's chest.

Eddie: In our chest fur?

Crash: She means our spleens.

Eddie: Yeah. If we can harness the power of our spleens, we can master lightning.

Zee groaned in disbelief as she turned to Lily.

Zee: Lily, are you sure you're up to this?

Pip and Lily didn't know what to say. If they wanted to save Buck and stop Orson, they had to do it now, so they agreed. In the morning, Zee set out the map for their plan.

Zee: We're here on Raptor River. Orson's got Buck here at the watering hole. We'll launch a surprise attack.

Crash: Like a surprise party with weapons.

Eddie: I don't know Zee. The five of us against Orson's whole army?

Zee: You would be surprised what we're capable of. I just wish we knew how Orson controls the raptors.

Crash: Maybe he gives them treats. I know I do anything for a marshmallow.

Eddie: Would you marry a frog?

Crash: What kind of frog?

Zee: Focus guys. It's time to train for the mission.

After a while, Zee gave some peashooters like how the brothers use all the time. She gave Lily Buck's knife and Pip some of the purple berry bombs. They soon continue on to the shore to the watering hole.


Meanwhile, the herd searched on and on for the four playful mammals. But they are nowhere to be seen. Silver and Amber had given up looking for Lily.

Sid: Face it, guys. Crash, Eddie, Pip and Lily have gone bye bye. They totally disappeared without a trace.

Diego: I got footprints.

For a moment, Diego was right. Tiny footprints were scattered all over the snow. They have been here!

Sid: All that means is their were around here.

Everyone looked through the hole where the three mammals and the human girl had crashed through.

Ellie: Thank goodness. We're back on their trail.

Manny: It looks like their trail leads to- Oh no. Those ding dongs went back to the Lost World.

Sid: Oh. and I thought I made bad choices.

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