Electric Field

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The others continue on into the forest, Silver sense something very odd. Purple smoke begins to cover the entire forest and the ground.

Diego: Wow, the air feels strange.

Shira: Uh... Diego?

Silver looked over and saw that Shira's fur was getting electric. Lily whimpered as Silver held her close. Eddie and Crash laughed and started touching each other as sparks course though them. One spark made Pip yelp.

"Finally! We have superpowers!" Eddie cheered, brightly.

Buck: Ladies and gentlemen, we have wandered into an electrical storm. I suggest we all stay away from the trees.

Diego: Sure, no problem. It's not like we're in a forest.

Silver knew this was dangerous. She picked Lily up to be safe.

Manny: Boy, Mother Nature sure is in a bad mood lately.

Ellie: Good thing we're all here to help each other.

Manny: Oh, like I always say, stay close, stay alive.

From the sky, the dino birds saw Buck.

"There they are! Right out in the open," Gertie exclaimed, laughing. "How stupid can you be?"

Gavin: Come on, kids. Dive!

Suddenly, a one of the rocks made  contact with one rock and a purple electric pulse flew up.

"Everyone, try not to create any sort of friction," Buck warned everyone.

Crash: No friction. Got it.

Eddie: Yup! Good beans. Friction is what now?

KRACK! When Eddie and Crash touched fingers, it caused a giant lightening that caused the dino birds to be electrocuted. One crashed by one of the rocks and caused a electric pulse again. Buck avoided it.

"Come on! Let's get out of here," he called out.

All agreeing, everyone begins to run away from the electric pulses. Pip scurried over to get away from the electric.  One of them blew Crash and Eddie away while Granny get struck by lightning twice.

Sid: Hurry, Granny.

Granny: Don't you hurry me. I've been struck by lightning more times than you've had hot breakfasts.

Julian helped Peaches up on a hill before she slipped and fell into the electric pulses trapping her.

Julian: Peaches!

He stumbled causing more rocks to make contact to the sparks.

Peaches: Julian, don't move! I have an idea.

Seeing their daughter, the mammoths ran over to help.

Manny: I'm coming, sweetheart! Julian, why aren't you helping her?

"Wait! No, Manny, she..." Julian tried to warn him.

The edge cracked causing them to fall in. Peaches jumped out of the way just as Ellie and Manny tumbled down. She grabbed onto a branch and swung back up.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?" Peaches asked, raising an eyebrow.

Manny: Helping?

Diego: What would "not helping" look like? Hey, zapheads!

Silver picked Crash and Eddie up and started rubbed them up making their fur go electrical blue sparks pulse though. She placed them on Diego's back and then started running. The purple pulse makes contact with it.

Diego: Manny, get ready to run.

With the pulse following them Manny and Ellie are able to get out.

Manny: Come on, let's go!

Running though the purple sparks started to increase. Everyone managed to get out just in time.

Diego: Everybody make it?

Sid: Shira, Manny, Crash, Eddie, Ellie, Granny, Silver, Amber, Lily.. Aw, shoot! I'm out of fingers.

Diego: Buck. Where's Buck?

They turned over and saw Buck standing there.

Buck: Do you hear that? A baby! There's a baby in there!

Crash: Buck, wait! It's too dangerous.

But Buck disappeared as a giant explosion boomed. Gasping, the possums saw Buck's knife strike the ground.

Ellie: He's gone.

Sid: I can't believe it.

Granny: Don't know how we'll go on without you, Buck. All right, let's go.

Suddenly, a yell and a purple light beam into the air.

Ellie: It's Buck!

Crash! He landed on the ground. The log he was in split in half revealing Buck holding something in his arms.

Buck: I got you. Don't worry, I got you. Say "hi," everyone. Isn't she gorgeous?

Everyone was confused. It turns out the baby was a pumpkin.

"How can he tell it's a she?" Sid wondered.

Buck: Such a good little poochie-woochie.

"Just to be clear, that's a pumpkin, right?" Shira inqured.

Buck: Well, I mean.. She has a little jaundice, but I think she'll be okay. Yes, you will. I think I'll call you... Bronwyn.

Pip moaned annoyed as she shook her head. Amber, Silver and Lily didn't know what to say.

Buck: You see, Silver? I'm just like you. A family of my own.

Manny: Um, little buddy? We need you back on planet Earth. While it's still here. Okay?

Buck: Right you are, mammal. Who wants to save the world from the fiery asteroid? You do!

Diego spotted something. It seemed to be a feather before it flew away.

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