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Since the wedding, Nora has hardly left her room. Her heart can't heal from the damage he has done. She, still, can't get her head around what he did. How he used her. And how she let him do it so easily. While Bella is away having the time of her life with the love of her life, her little sister, her Irish twin, is tearing apart at the seams. And she has no idea.

Nora heads downstairs tiredly, feeling so... off. She hasn't felt herself since she fucked Jacob and he... yeah. But this is different. She hasn't been taking care or herself as she should... She hears several voices and pauses before she enters the kitchen to look round the corner. Oh no... her heart leaps as she sees Charlie sat with Billy and Jacob. Charlie appears stressed - probably to do with Bella.

"Hey Nor." Billy smiles brightly when he sees her.

Nora blushes and smiles, walking in to the room. "Morning." She says. She avoids Jacob's gaze. "How is everyone?"

"Bella called." Charlie sighs. "She's sick. Caught some bug or something, I don't know."

Nora raises her eyebrows. "Wow, that must've halted the honeymoon."

"I was just telling your dad, our Bella is strong. She'll be fine." Jacob smiles. He keeps looking at Nora in the hopes she'll look back. He's sobered up some since the wedding. The hard thing is he was stone cold sober - he can't blame drugs or alcohol for how he acted.

Nora ignores him and goes to the fridge, bending down to see what's in there; she hears Billy and Charlie exit to the living room but Jacobs footsteps come towards her. "Hey-"

"Don't Hey me." Nora snaps, quickly standing to glare. As she stands and turns, her vision blurs and she sways, grabbing the fridge door.

Jacob instantly reaches out, helping steady her. "Nor?" He frowns.

Nora takes a deep breath and pushes his hands off. "Leave me alone."

"You feeling okay?" He frowns, ignoring her as he reaches out to touch her forehead. "Maybe you're si-"

Nora swats his hand away and rushes to the sink, just making it as she throws up. She feels Jacob hold her hair back and, just this once, she doesn't stop him. "Ugh." She mutters.

"You are sick." He frowns. "Let's get you to-"

"I can sort myself. Thanks." She mutters, wiping her mouth as she washes the sink out. "I don't need you."

"Nora, please talk to me." Jacob sighs, pleading with her.

Nora glares over at him. "Why? You made it clear, you fucked me to hurt Bella and it didn't mean a thing. You used me. We can agree there." She snaps. "I don't have anything else to say to scum like you."

Jacob follows her as she tries to hurry upstairs, jamming his foot in her bedroom door. She growls. "Nora, you're my best friend. More so than Bella ever was. I hate this tension, I know I fucked up, what I did was fucked up, but I want to take it all back."

Nora looks at him coldly. "Yeah? Well you can't Jacob. Suck it." She pushes the door shut in his face.

Jacob sighs and slowly turns, surprised as he sees Charlie. The man's face is full of anger. "Char-"

"You..." He says slowly, unable to find the words. "You did that to my daughter!?! What the Heck is wrong with you! Get the Heck out of my house!" Charlie yells, pointing behind him down the stairs.

Jacob bites his tongue and rushes out, past his surprised father, running into the woods to phase. Charlie will never let him near Nora again. He disappears into the trees as Charlie glares. "Did you know!?" He snaps as be glares at Billy.

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