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Nora rubs her big belly as she takes deep, slow breaths. "Okay, Chev, we gotta talk." She paces the livingroom as she starea at her big belly. "These braxton hicks are just teasing me now. Your eviction notice has been served - leave. Out. Now. Please."

"I don't think that is how it works."

Nor looks up at Jake as he stands in the livingroom doorway. "Make him leave."

He smiles. "You are due in 2 weeks, okay? You are gonna be induced in just 10 days if he doesn't come. Relax."

Nora flops into the couch and stares at her bloated tummy. "You're an ass. You're right but you're still an ass."

Jacob sits beside her and rests his feet on the table. "Fair." He smiles. "Can I?" He motions his hands toward her belly.

Nora nods and watches him feel for Chev. Their son is always very active so it doesn't take long before Jake grins at the feeling of it. "He definitely knows when it's you." She says.

Since their last fall out, things have been relatively neutral between the two. While they've bickered and occasionally argued, things haven't been nearly as bad as before. Nora reckons Jacob now knows his place but he likes to test it. She won't allow that, though.

"So since he's almost here, I figured it's time for a serious talk." Jake says as he sits back, removing his hands.

Nora raises an eyebrow. She takes a deep breath. "Go on." She sighs.

Jacob looks over at her. "I just... How's it gonna work? When will I have him? Will he be able to stay with me a night or two at a time? Can I come see him everyday?"

Nora smiles small; okay, this isn't such a bad topic. "We can figure it all out as we go. I wanna breast feed if I can so if that works, he'll have to stay with me most of the time - at least at first. But I can pump, he can take a bottle now and then and he can stay at yours once he's a bit older. And you can come round most days - remember it's not my house, okay? I can bring him to you sometimes too."

Jacob nods small. "Okay. Another thing."

"Yes?" Nora bites her lip - is this where it goes wrong?

"You chose the name Cheveyo and its certainly grown on me. But I was wondering if I could choose his middle name?" He asks.

Nora deliberates. "Go on."

"Billy. Cheveyo Billy Black." He suggests.

"Black?" Nora realises, her eyebrows shooting up.

"Well yeah, kids take their dad's names." He shrugs.

"I sort of always had Swan in my head." She admits.

Jacob scowls. "I'm his dad, he should take my name." He snaps.

Nora sits up some - and here it goes. "Look Jacob, he is always gonna be your son. But I've carried him, I will birth him and I will have custody of him and so I would like him to have my name." She explains calmly.

Jacob stands, kicking the table and sends it clattering into the fireplace. "No!"

Nora struggles but manages to get up, glaring. "Go. I'm not talking to you while you're in this state."

"No! We are talking about this now, you're not getting out of it! He's my son!" Jacob yells.

"And mine! Why shouldn't he get my name!?" Nora challenges.

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