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Nora realises what is happening after a few seconds of him kissing her before she pushes him away and turns her back to him, wiping her lips. "No." She whispers.

"No? Isn't that what you've always wanted?" Jacob asks, touching her arm.

Nora shrugs his hand off and turns to glare, tears in her eyes. "Why. Why did you do that." She whispers.

"To get you to stop and listen." He says simply, looking down at her as he shrugs small.

Nora covers her mouth as she tears more. "Kissing me shouldn't be a way to shut me up! Kissing means something Jacob!" She yells.

"Oh please." He rolls his eyes. "It was just a kiss."

"Just-" She shakes her head and storms past him, heading out.

Jacob follows and grabs her arm. "What are you doing!"

"You won't leave so I will! You're insane Jacob Black. You're so set on helping yourself that you don't care what happens to those around you!" Nora yells, stood on the doorstep in the rain. "I don't want to be around you."

"You're so dramatic. Get inside-" He grabs her wrist.

Nora pushes him off again, stepping back as she does. Her foot rolls off the edge of the step and she gasps as she falls, bumping down the few steps. She scrapes her elbow and palm as she falls.

"Nora!" Jacob yells, kneeling by her.

Nora hisses in pain as she sits up, bending her elbow towards her to try see it. "Ow!"

"Stay still, I'm gonna call-"

Nora pushes him away as she stands, barely able to put weight on her foot. "Get away from me." She demands.

"Let me help-"

"Nora!?" Bella slams the car door as Edward skids to a stop and she runs out. She instantly takes Nora's arm. "Oh my god what happened!"

"She fell-"

"Get him away from me Bella, please." Nora begs, her tears mixing with the rain as she stares at her sister.

Bella looks between the two, nodding small as she wraps an arm around her sister. Edward stays by the car but opens the door as he waits, silently glaring at Jacob who glares right back. "I'll meet you at the hospital-"

"No you won't Jacob." Bella snaps, closing the door and glaring over at him through the rain. "Whatever you've done to hurt her is too far. She doesn't want to see you, accept that."

Jacob glares and storms off, running into the forest. Bella climbs in the back of the volvo, taking the first aid kit Edward passes back before he begins to drive. "What happened?" Bella asks her sister as she grabs some gauze and puts it on the cuts.

Nora holds the one to her elbow. "I fell. Trying to get away from him." Nora mutters.

"Seriously? Why wouldn't he leave?" Bella frowns.

"He's stalking me, I swear. He was waiting when I got home - I didn't even know he was there." She sighs shaking her head. "Why won't he leave me alone?"

"I don't know... he's fucking dead though." Bella mutters.


Thankfully, the cuts on Nora's palm and elbow weren't too bad and her ankle was just badly sprained. With some antibiotics and ice, she was all good within a week or so. Things with Bella and Jacob, however, aren't as bad as they are with Nora and Jacob. He is suddenly all obsessed with her again, much to Nora's relief. He's left her alone, but she's confused by the sudden re-ignition of their friendship.

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