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Jacob sits at the table in his kitchen, his head in his hands as he rubs his face tiredly. He hasn't slept much in the last few days since he's worrying about Nora. Charlie still won't let him round and Nora doesn't seem to be answering her phone. Bella said she's super tired and still sleeping a lot but it won't be long and she'll stand up to Charlie for him. Bella doesn't want to get involved too much.

Billy shakes his head as he sees his son at the table. "You need to sleep, stop bothering Charlie by hanging outside all day." He shakes his head disapprovingly.

Jacob looks up and watches his dad check the mail. "I wanna be there in case anything happens." He shrugs small and rubs his neck. "Could you like say something for me?"

Billy scoffs and throws his sons mail at him. "No Jacob. Because I'm with him on this."

"Why!" Jacob scowls angrily. "Your my dad, you should support me."

"How can I support your choices when they disgust me?" Billy snaps. "Nora never did anything to you Jacob and you have treated her like garbage. Charlie treated you like a son and all you have ever done is hurt his daughters. What goes through your head Jacob? I seriously wonder where I went wrong."

Jacob slams his hand on the table as he stands angrily. "I tried to fight for my happiness! And all I did was fight to protect Bella which is exactly what you asked me to do!" He yells. "I took it too far, I know I did, but it's done! I can't take it back."

"I don't think you would take it back even if you could. You've gone from imprinting on a baby to having a baby all in the space of 6 months." He shakes his head.

"Oh shove off. You know Renesmee isn't human, not really." Jacob snaps. "God, you're such an ass!"

"I sure hope your son grows up to be nothing like you." Billy yells as Jacob storms out.

"Yeah!? I'm glad I'm nothing like you!" He yells and runs off to phase.

Billy slams the front door growling in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Charlie is having a better day than his friend. He smiles wide as Nora comes downstairs, color in her cheeks and clothes on her body rather than the same week old pyjamas. "There's my girl."

Nora blushes. "I bet your thinking 'its alive!' aren't ya." She teases lightly.

Charlie kisses her head as he passes, headed to the door. He pauses. "I was headed out fishing but... if you're feeling better, I can stay and we can do something if you want?"

Nora smiles warmly. "I don't want to ruin your plans, pops. Why don't we do something tomorrow? That way you can be sure to top up the 1000 or so fish we already have. Wouldn't want to run out." She teases.

Charlie rolls his eyes but smiles wide. "You're definitely better. I left money for take out on the counter, behave."

"Always do." She calls as he leaves. She smiles fondly, rubbing her belly. "Your grandpa is definitely going soft in his old age, Chev."

"Who's Chev?"

Nora gasps in surprise and lays a hand on her racing heart. "Jesus Jacob!"

Jacob stands in the kitchen doorway. "Yeh. Hi." He says. "Who's Chev?"

Nora crosses her arms. "You can't do this Jacob. You can't just walk in, you don't have a claim here. Send a text, gimme a call - ask to come over." She snaps.

"I haven't seen you in almost 2 weeks, okay? Your dad hasn't let me near you-"

"I wonder why." Nora mutters.

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