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another update! just too excited to share this with you, ive got so much of it written!!! looove reading your comments, too x


"Hey." Nora smiles wide as Bella appears at the top of the stairs.

"How's it going?" Bella smiles, sitting on the top step facing into her old bedroom - now Nora's bedroom.

Nora puffs air out of her cheeks as she looks around at the mess. "I feel like I'm making it worse rather than sorting stuff out. I'm having a baby in like 5 months and I can't even take care of myself." She laughs small but deep down she's terrified.

Bella stands and holds out her hand. "Cmon, we're getting out of here."

"I seriously can't- Bella." Nora groans and laughs as Bella grabs her hand and pulls her up.

"Just an hour." Bella smiles. "Come meet your niece."

Nora stops at the bottom of the stairs, surprised. "Really? Edwards okay with this?"

"He is. Just ignore his family... they're a bit weird about you kind of, kind of not knowing." Bella scratches her neck.

"Knowing absolutely nothing." Nora points out. Her phone rings and she pulls it out, her heart leaping. "I gotta take this... hey Jake." She brings it to her ear.

"Hey..." Jacob says slowly. "Are you busy?"

Nora shoves Bella as she wiggles her eyebrows. She grabs her coat and locks the door as she follows Bella to her shiny Mercedes. "Bella is dragging me away from anything productive. What's up?"

"Oh... I was going to come talk to you. Are you going to the Cullens?" He asks.

"I guess?" Nora shrugs as she wrestles to do her belt one handed.

"I'll see you there." He says, ending the call.

Nora is confused as she puts her phone away. "Are you and Jake pals again?"

Bella focuses on the road; if only you knew, Nora. "Kinda..." she says.

"Since when was he friends with the Cullens as well." She mutters.

Bella shifts in her seat. "He does it for me." She lies. Oh god things will be so awkward!!!

Bella parks up and Nora eyes the house again. "Didn't get any smaller." She muses.

Bella laughs. "You get used to it."

"Not sure I will." She says. She follows Bella inside and looks around, thankful she doesn't have to climb as many stairs as last time. She grows shy as she sees Alice. Rosalie and Esme in the livingroom with a small, toddler-like child. She looks exactly like Bella.

"Don't be weirded out... please." Bella begs in a whisper.

Nora forces a smile. "Hi."

Bella picks Renesmee up and kisses her cheek. "Baby, this is your Auntie Norry, remember when I told you about her?"

Renesmee smiles and gives a wave with her little hand. "Hello Nora."

Nora tries to suppress the weirdness. That is a baby. Talking. Clear as day. Holy shit. "H-Hi Renesmee." She forces a smile and gives a small wave. "You look just like your mom."

"Thank you." She giggles.

Bella sets her down. "Go get the present for Norry."

Renesmee runs over to a large gift bag that's easily the size of her, easily picking it up and bringing it over. Nora sits on the edge of the couch as she keeps her forced smile. "For me?"

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