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Nora stays staring at Jacob as he lays casually on her bed. He looks up at her. "I told you I'm not leaving until we talk."

"Out." She simply says. She really can't be bothered for him.

Jacob rolls onto his side. "Whats going on with you? You used to tell me everything."

"You wanna be the pot or the kettle?" She snaps.

"Ah, I told you as much as I could." He points. "I was as honest as I am allowed to be."

"Bullshit!" She snaps.

"It isn't!" Jacob huffs. He stands and puts his hands on his hips as he stares at her. "I messed up and I have apologised, let me try and be your friend!"

"Why!" She snaps. "You told Bella-"

"Bella lied, okay, I couldn't face you. If I hurt you, if I made you think your deepest fear had come true, that I faked being your friend, then you'd get over it. I was wrong." He snaps, sighing. "I was wrong Nor, okay, you're my best friend and I need you no matter how mad it makes everyone else."

"Who would it make mad?" She whispers, confused.

Jacob scratches his neck. "Sam and the guys."

"You're friends with Sam..? I thought you hated him after he got to Em." She whispers, frowning in more confusion.

Jacob smiles small. "As hard as it is to believe, Sam's a good guy. But he takes the tribe very seriously and wants us to focus on protecting it."

"So he dictates who you see?" She demands. "That's..."

"Fucked up." He agrees, though he means it about so much more than this situation.

Nora sighs tiredly and sits on the bed, rubbing her eyes. "Jesus."

Jacob frowns and sits beside her. "What's going on Nor?" He wraps an arm around her.

Nora sighs and leans against him. "I have something called Addisons disease. Its an immune system thing." She shrugs.

"Is it serious?" He frowns deeply, suddenly worried. "What is it?"

"It's manageable." She shrugs small. "It's to do with the glands by my kidneys, it's nothing. I'm on some new medications that are kicking my butt."

"You never mentioned anything..." He frowns deeply. How did he miss this?

"I was always tired anyway." She smiles small. "I though it was normal go always be unwell but evidently not. And I'm small anyways, you wouldn't notice my weight loss."

Jacob pulls her into a close hug. "Your dad knows right?"

She leans against him. "Yeah, I downplayed it so he wouldn't worry." She yawns.

Jacob rubs her back gently. "You idiot."

She hums and slowly falls asleep. She doesn't get much sleep lately, loss of sleep is a huge side affect of this disease. Jacob happily let's her sleep, glad she's resting, as he plays with her hair; she wriggles the blanket off a little while into her nap as his body temperature heats her up enough.

As Jake plays with her hair, he takes the time to admire her sleeping face. In a way he does think she's pretty but she's more like a sister to him. He knows how Nora feels about him; how could he not? She was always there for him. She complimented him and listened to him talk about cars for hours while watching him. And Bella tried so many times to set them up or talk him into asking her out. He just doesn't see her that way and he knows that hurts her. But he can't lose her as a friend. He won't.

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