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"Chev, cmon dude. This way." Nora encourages, pointing to the luggage claim area.

"Ome." The toddler whines, staying stood in the middle of the airport.

Nora kneels down by him. "We are so close, buddy, you're doing so good!" She coos as she hugs him. "Beebee is waiting for is this way." She promises.

"Beebee!" The tired toddler whines as he runs ahead, Nora grabbing the suitcase as she hoists the travel bag on her shoulder and runs after him. He's only just 2 but he's doing so good at always making sure to stay close to his mom. He has been in airports most of his life now, so he's used to the rules his mom has to keep him safe.

He runs out of the exit and looks around, gasping. "Beebee!" He yells when he sees his aunt Bella.

Bella kneels down by the car and scoops him up as he runs at her. "Chevy!!!" Bella spins him around. "I missed you!"

He squeezes her close. "Ome."

"Yeah dude, we're home." Nora smiles. She hugs her sister one armed. "Thanks for getting us."

"My pleasure. I haven't seen you guys in so long." Bella squeezes her nephews cheeks.

Nora rolls her eyes as she shoves the luggage in the trunk. "It's been 2 months and we've called every night since."

"2 months? Okay, maybe it hasn't been that long." Bella giggles. Her, Ness and Edward have joined Chev and Nora on their adventures at times even if its just been for a day or two sometimes. It helps having friends all around the world they can drop in on - they still have a lot of thanks to give for the help with the Volturi a few years ago.

"Let's get this messy bum home, he's crankier than Ness when he's tired." Nora giggles as she takes her son and kisses his head. He's already basically asleep, nuzzling against her as she takes him.

"Dads so excited." Bella says as she watches her sister buckle the boy in. They climb in at the same time. "He didn't think you'd come back."

Nora shakes her head. "He knew I couldn't miss this. Our dad's getting married! I thought he'd die all alone." Nora teases. "Plus I think Chev and I both need a rest. He's not been home for most of his life." She glances back at her boy, fast asleep in the carseat with his mouth hanging open.

Bella smiles. "I can't wait to show him everything." She grins excitedly. "Hiking, the beach and res, the mountains. Edward is so excited to be able to spend time with him too."

"He does love his uncle De." Nora smiles fondly. "Has much changed since we saw you last in Egypt?"

Bella asked Benjamin and Tia to take care of Nor and Chev while they visited Egypt and they were more than happy to help. They are very good at disguising themselves in public since they begun leaving their hideouts after the almost battle. And on days they couldn't cover up, they'd take them out at night. Bella and Edward joined them for the last 3 days of their 3 week trip there but since then, it's been a while.

Bella shakes her head, looking at her sister. "Nope..."

Nora groans. "Oh go on. What's he said now?"

"He just..." Bella tries to find the right words as she pretends to be busy focusing on the road. "He's as immature as ever. He's mad you're bringing Chev home for dad's wedding but you wouldn't for Billy's birthday."

Nora groans and leans her head back. "I offered! And Billy said he'd rather we keep going, he loves the video calls. He admitted its sometimes easier over call because he feels he couldn't keep up with Chev in person while his health is as it is." She mutters angrily. "Jake needs to get a grip. The perv-"

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