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Jacob jogs up the porch steps and gently knocks the door, patiently waiting. After a minute or so he frowns, knocking again. He can hear Nora inside, he knows she's home, so why isn't she answering? He tries the handle and the door opens. "Norry?" He calls, stepping inside.

He makes his way upstairs and looks around, the bathroom door ajar and a big puddle around the door. He rushes over and pushes the door open as far as he can, finding Nora passed out leant against the tub. "Nora!" He says loudly, stepping over her to turn the taps off.

She stirs a little and hums. "5 minutes." She mumbles.

Jacob kneels down by her, not bothered he's getting wet, and lifts her head gently. She's got deep purple bags under her eyes, she's pale and clammy. "Hey. Nora?" He tucks her hair back. "Have you been taking your meds?"

She hums softly but he doesn't believe her. He vaguely remembers, from the research he did when she was first diagnosed, that missing medication can be serious. It causes fatigue, weight loss and can really mess with her. He gently picks her up and moves her to the bedroom, stripping her down one handed. He lays her down and pulls the covers over her, going back to the bathroom to fill her glass before he comes back.

"Hey, Nor, wake up for me." He says gently, stroking her hair back.

Nora stirs a little, squinting against the light. "What?" She mumbles.

"You passed out but I got you." He assures her.

Nora's slow thoughts take a moment before she gasps small. "Buck-"

"I'll give him a call, I promise. Where are your meds? You haven't been taking them have you." He tuts.

Nora blushes. "Busy at the hospital." She mumbles. She tugs her bedside drawer a little.

Jacob does the rest and reads the labels on the bottles, setting the right dose of each out. "Sit up. Here."

Nora slowly sits up as she yawns big, taking each tablet one at a time. She finishes the water and leans her head back for a moment before she slowly looks down. "You took my clothes off!?"

Jacob rolls his eyes. "They were soaking wet." He says gently. "When was the last time you slept properly, Nora? At decent food and took your meds on time or at all?"

"When was the wedding?" She squints as she tries to think.

Jacob's eyebrows shoot up. "It was 5 days ago."

"5 days ago." She smiles sheepishly. "Oops."

"Oops? Nora!" He tuts. "You idiot!"

"Bucky needs me-"

"Bucky is a big boy! I'm sure he'd rather you took care of yourself so you don't end up in the bed beside his!" Jacob scolds.

Nora blushes deeply. "It was an accident."

"1 day is an accident. 5 days is careless." He sighs. "God. What am I gonna do with you."

Nora plays with the covers, embarrassed. "Sorry..."

"Rest. I'll call Bucky, sort the bathroom and I'll cook you a proper meal." He assures her.

Nora glances at him as he moves towards the door. "Why do you care?"

He looks over and smiles. "I've told you a thousand times - you're my best friend no matter what happens. And I used to always take care of you when you didn't feel good. It'll be just like old times." He winks. He closes the door behind him.

Once he manages to clear the bathroom a little, using most of the clean towels from the laundry closet and having to dry them, he heads to the kitchen. Jacob already knows her phone passcode will be 0504, May 4th for Chevys birthday, and he scrolls for Bucky.

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