Chapter 9: Ha! Got 'cha!

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TW: Swearing

Izuku continued walking. He knew exactly where he was going. He didn't know what he was going to do when he got there, but he had a long time to think, so he would come up with something.

'I'll start small. I can't use all my best cards just yet. So what does that leave me?' He thought, turning a corner. He had to think of something perfect. Something that would annoy the shit out of her, but still look like an accident.

He continued to think until he saw some kids playing in the sprinklers in their front yard. An idea popped into his head. He smirked, thinking of the pissed face he would so gladly pay to see.

'It's perfect. It's terrible and annoying and would look like an accident to any regular person. It also gives me the chance to test another theory of mine.' Midoriya looked away from the kids, planning the perfect way to execute his plans.

After walking, thinking, and quietly mumbling for about 30 minutes, Midoirya arrived in front of his old house. He stared at it, hating the flood of memories that came with doing so.

'I never noticed how ugly this house looks. Who the hell thought these colors matched? This is why colorblind people shouldn't pick color schemes. The colors only look good to them!' Midoriya shook his head, playing with the idea of painting the house himself so he wouldn't have to look at the monstrously every time he decided to ruin his mother's life. Eventually he decided against it. He didn't want to do anything nice for his mother. If anything, he would paint it hot pink neon green just to fuck with her.

'Anyways, back to scheming. And a little testing I guess.' Midoriya thought as he looked around for any pedestrians that could see a door randomly open and call the police. That would only ruin his plans.

Once he was satisfied with the lack of people nearby, he picked up the fake rock his mother hid in one of the many plants on the front porch. He slid the cover off of the bottom, taking the brass key into his hands. He set the rock down, putting the key into the keyhole.

The door opened with a click and a creak. Midoriya took the key out of the doorknob and placed it into his pockets, which he just found out still worked. He closed the door behind his and started walking into the kitchen.

It was currently 10:26, meaning his mother wouldn't be here for a few more hours, if she came home at all. That gave him plenty of time to do everything that he needed to.

He reached the kitchen and looked around. It was still as boring as it was when he died, so no surprise there. He walked farther into the kitchen, reaching the sink. He placed his hands on both the knows and turned them on. He plugged the sink up and watched it slowly start to fill.

He turned around, looking away from the sink, and started to walked towards the stairs. He went up until he reached his old room. He hoped he still had some of his stuff in there; he needed to use some stuff.

He opened the door to find a room filled with a few large boxes. His bed was gone, and so was all his former furniture. The walls were bare and the closet door was wide open, reveling how empty it was.

'Selling my stuff already, I see. Wonder what she's gonna use the room for now. Well, she may not be able to use this room, depending on if someone stops me or not.' He thought, smirking mischievously.

He walked up to a box, hoping it had what he needed. He was relieved when he found it did. He started rummaging through the box of clothes, looking for something that didn't have burn marks on it, which was surprisingly hard.

Eventually he found a few pairs. He kept one out and folder the rest neatly into a backpack he found in another box. He still needed extra room in his backpack if he was going to mess with a ton of people.

He took the pair of clothes, still hearing the sink running downstairs, and walked toward the bathroom. He opened the door and placed all his stuff down on the counter.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like, well, a ghost. He was almost translucent, giving off a weird sort of glow. He was so pale he could glow in the dark. His lips were a light blue and his eyes were a pale green. His hair was red in some places, as well as his face. He definitely hit his head.

'I look worse than I did when I was alive, and that's saying something, 'cause danm was I ugly.' He thought, grimacing at how he looked. He turned away from ther mirror, looking towards the shower instead.

He turned the shower on, checking the temperature before relising he couldn't feel it. He shrugged and went off to get a towel from the lining closet.


Once Midoriya finished his shower, he quickly dried off. He put his new clothes on, feeling glad to be out of that stiff uniform. He couldn't even tell if it was just the uniform being a uniform or the dried blood, but that uniform was uncomfortable as fuck.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He was still translucent looking and death in pale, but the was no more blood. Now at least he knew he could clean himself up if necessary.

Midoriya gather all of his thing in the backpack, deciding it would be best to take the clothes for a possible future prank. Before he left the bathroom, he plugged up the bathtub and sink, turning on the water for both.

He walked downstairs, grinning widely. He was happy when he reached the bottom of the stairs to find water seeping into the living room from the kitchen. Half of the carpet was already soaked, leaving to other half to soon follow.

Midoriya walked out of the house, locking the door behind him. He put the key back into the rock, once again sliding it closed and playing I the flower pot.

He walked to the tree in the front yard. He wanted to be there to see the face of his mother when she found out her house was flooded. He needed to see it. He sat down at the base of the tree to waited until she got home.


Inko came home to see water pouring down he front steps. She open the door and got splashed, water ending up soaking he lower half. She quickly shut the door, hoping to stop the water. This plan, obviously, didn't work too well. She quickly called a house flood service number she found on the internet.

As all of this took place, Izuku was laughing his ass off in the background.

AN: Hello, you beautiful losers! I want to thank you guys so much for reading this book. It got over 1k reads in less than a month, so I'm really happy! I recently though of a part I want to add to this book, but I have to write a few more chapters before it happens. I think it would be pretty fun to write, so I'm trying to get through this part as fast as I can while still making it decent. Anyways, I don't was to ramble too much on these, even though I always end up doing so, so I just gonna stop writing now, lol. Well, have a good day or rest of your day or whatever! <3

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Words: 1313

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