Chapter 21: Sometimes

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When Midoriya died, he didn't really know what he was expecting. He didn't know if there was some elaborate system for a heaven and hell that would decide if you were good enough. He didn't know if he was supposed to believe in some specific religion or not.

He wanted to be a ghost to ruin the lives of the people who hurt him. He hoped he might be able to make them fell even a fraction of the pain he had to endure every day because of them.

He got his wish. He was a ghost, haunting the people he hated the most. He was going slowly, waiting patiently for the perfect time. When I came, he would take it without a doubt.

But sometimes he wonders. Sometimes he thinks. He doesn't like it, but when school is let out, and he's just walking around empty halls and sidewalks, his mind starts to run. And he thinks. And he wonders.

Sometimes he thinks about how his life was. How unfair it was. How, even now, it was unfair. Why did he have to die for people to realize he was once a living breathing person? For people to realize they made all the living and breathing a past tense thing?

Sometimes he regrets dying, only when things are really bad. He regrets that fact he couldn't do anything to them when he was alive. If he trained more, worked harder, maybe he could've proved them wrong. Maybe that would have been better revenge than scaring people who don't know it's you. He would do it a million times again to see the looks on everyone's faces, but sometime he wonders.

Sometimes he wishes things were just different. Maybe if he was born in another family, another place. Maybe if he was a different person. A person with a great quirk, a quirk that could save people. Maybe he didn't need to be different if everyone else was different. Maybe if they thought differently, had a different mindset. But they didn't, and now he's dead.

Sometimes it's hard. Trying to do all of this. Sometimes he thinks it would be easier if he was resting, like people say dead people do. If he could've died peacefully, maybe the afterlife wouldn't be like this for him. But the pain had been too much, and he couldn't wait for a natural, peaceful death. Death took too long.

Sometime he wishes he could share these thoughts with someone. Talk to someone about his problems, vent like other people do. But he's not other people. He's dead. He doesn't have anyone to trust with his secrets, with his feelings. He doesn't have a friend to go to or a shoulder to cry on. Dead people don't have anyone. He wouldn't have anyone even if he weren't dead.

He doesn't like to think anymore. He wishes he would stop wondering. These stupid 'what ifs' and 'maybes' are messing with his head in a way he wishes wouldn't happen. But he never gets his wishes. So he keeps thinking, wondering.

AN: Hey, Hey, Hey you beautiful losers! I'm having a bad day so have this terrible angst! Haha, anyways I wrote like 200 words of another chapter and decided I wanted to make some angst so I deleted it all. It wasn't good anyways. So I also wanted to ask, how long to you want this story to be? Cause I can keep going, but I feel like I'm making it too long and uninteresting. I can probably make it go faster without rushing too much? Idk, if people want it shorter I'll try it. Oh, also I'm sorry for the short chapter, I'll post again on the weekend. Well, have a good day or night or whatever!

What the funniest word you have ever heard?

(Also please answer the question in the AN, it's kinda important to the story.^)

Words: 656

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