Chapter 32: Wow That Happened. Okay.

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'Oh yeah, this is gonna work just fine.' Midoriya smirked evilly as he walked beside Aizawa, his teacher, and Tsukauchi, the detective.

They interviewed him for a little more after making the deal, just basic things about his theories on why he was still on earth and things like that. Nothing to difficult.

After the interrogation was over, they drove back to UA. Midoriya was told to wait back at the dorms until the next day, when he would tell the class everything, but that obviously didn't happen.

Midoriya 'pretended' to go to the dorms so he could follow Aizawa into class unnoticed. It wasn't that hard to pretend though, so Midoriya had absolutely no problem with it.

While Aizawa walked to the classroom, Midoriya followed behind silently.

When Aizawa pushed open the door, the heads of many teens turned to see who would come so late into the day. After seeing it was only their teacher, most of the class looked back down at their assignments. Hagakure, however, looked right at Midoriya, opening her mouth to talk before Midoriya put a finger to his lips, signaling for her to stay silent.

She looked confused, but didn't say anything. He snuck over to her and started writing on and empty page of her notebook.

"Dont say anything im here secretly" He wrote.

She looked up at him confused, but nodded anyways. Then she looked back down at the assignment and continued her work.

Midoriya looked over at his only other friend in the classroom, Kaminari. He looked like he was struggling, eyebrows furrowed while he chewed on the tip of his pencil.

Midoriya walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. It was something they had been trying to work on for a while, but Kaminari never seemed to get it. It often frustrated the blonde when his friends tried to explain it, but it just didn't click. Midoriya made a mental note to look up other ways to do the problem.

He looked again at the paper, before taking a pencil out of his backpack. He brought the pencil down on the paper and started making little notes and arrows to show his friend what to do. Kaminari was surprised for a second, before recognizing the handwriting and following along with what was being written.

They went the whole class like this, trying to finish the assignment. The bell went off signaling the school day was over and most of the students went up to turn their paper in and pack up for the day. Kaminari had one problem left, so he decided to push through.

Kaminari finished and after Midoriya checked the answer, he stood up to hand his paper in. Midoriya whispered a 'good job' before sending him off with a proud smile. He was glad his friend was doing better.

Hagakured watched the interaction from across the room with a fond smile. She was glad they had each other. She was glad Kaminari had someone who was patient and helped him to the best of their abilities. She was glad Midoriya had someone they could call a friend. From the little he told the about his past, it didn't seem like he ever had many.

She also promised to find someone good for Kaminari. He deserved someone like Midoriya, that wasn't Midoriya. With being dead and aroace, she wasn't sure they were the best option for Kaminari. She would find someone who was though, and she would do everything in her power to get them together. She also assumed she would have her other friends help, but she would cross that bridge when she got there.

Midoriya walked up to her and held his finger to his mouth again, reminding her she couldn't talk to him. She nodded and started to where Kaminari was packing up his things, with Midoriya trailing behind her.

She greeted Kaminari and pulled him into the hallway. Kaminari wanted to protest, saying that Midoriya was still in the room, but she told him to quiet down. When they arrived in the hallway, she looked behind her, checking for people, only talking when she say no one.

"Alright, why weren't we allowed to talk to you? And what happened at the police station? Do they know? What did they do? What-" Her rambling was cut off by Midoriya.

"I'll tell you when we get to my dorm." He replied quietly. The continued to walk the hallways in silence.


When they arrived at his dorm room they each took a seat before Midoriya began his whole explanation.

"Alright, so to start, I was supposed to be in my dorm room this whole time, that's why you guys weren't allowed to talk to me." He said.

Hagakure nodded at the explanation, while Kaminari didn't even know they weren't allowed to talk to him until they were out in the hallway.

"And yes, I told them. It'll make things more interesting. I can't wait to see everyone's reactions to having a dead kid in their class. Though it won't be as fun if their reactions are the same as you guys' were. Your reactions were kinda underwhelming, not gonna lie." Midoriya said with a mischievous smirk.

He couldn't wait for the next day. All of the people, mainly Bakugo, finding out what he was. It was also a great new source of new jokes he could tell. He could already feel the deep hatred radiating off of everyone after he would tell them he was 'ghosting them'.

Ah, tomorrow really would be the day. All he had to do was make sure he did it in the most fucked up way possible.

AN: Hey you beautiful losers! So, ahaha... I'm sorry. I really wanted to have this out by Wednesday, but that obviously didn't happen. I also wanted to post the first chapter of the new story, but that hasn't happened either. I'm kinda a mess as you can see. I'm going to try to post more often, and maybe post longer chapters too. A lot of people wanted longer chapters, so I'm trying to get myself to focus long enough for me to write one, but I seem to have the attention span of a towel. Sorry about that. Anyways I'm tired so this is it, sorry! Have a nice day or night or whatever!

How are you today? Anything happen recently?

Words: 1071

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