Chapter 18: Paranormal Appearances

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Did you know that UA has 11 sets of classes? Each set has 3 years. That means there are 33 different classes in UA.

UA can house a total of more than 600 students. There are around 20 students per class, give or take. That's a whole lot of people. And that's not even including the staff either!

Minus class 1-A, that's 10 sets of classes, three for each year, making it a total of 22 classes that aren't 1-A.

All in all, Midoriya didn't have to stick to just one class. There were many in the school to torture. He would be having fun with them on this fine day.

As he was again roaming the halls, he overheard some conversation. A conversation that would interest him greatly.

"Hey do you know if Kendos at school today? I haven't seen her and Monomas been getting on my nerves." Questioned a girl with shoulder length black hair.

"Nah, I heard she was sick or something. I'll try to get him to knock it off for ya." Said a guy with silver hair and overly pointy eyes.

"Alrighty, thank Tetsutetsu." The girl said with a smile as she started walking off.

Midoriya, the opportunist he was, took this as a chance to go to other classes too. He followed the spiky eyed male, or as the girl said 'Tetsutetsu', into his classroom.

Sure enough there was a nice empty seat in the top right hand corner. He sat down and waited for the shit show to start.


When everyone was sat down in their seats, the teacher went to his own desk. The silver haired teacher grabbed a paper and started calling own names of people Midoriya had never learned, and most likely would not remember.

As the names went farther down the list Midoriya tried to hold on to the name he heard in the hallway. Finally it was called.

"Itsuka Kendo." The man called out, already knowing she wasn't here, but doing it anyways. It was either protocol or out of habit at this point. He had already started calling out the next persons name when he heard a voice.

"Here." Midoriya said in a clear voice
The teacher, and many of the students, looked a Kendos seat. It was empty as people expected it to be. They all looked at each other before the teacher started speaking again.

"As heros in training, you should know not to pull these silly little pranks. You've wasted everyone's time now. Kendos-"

"Here." Midoriya said again, louder this time. He had to stop himself from laughing at the confused faces the class shot at the seemingly empty seat.

"Alright, I would have let it slide the first time, but now I want to know who it is. Who keeps saying here for Kendo?"

"Here." Midoriy said again, this time getting up out of his seat. He heard the many classmates start saying things like 'I didn't see anyone mouth move' and 'guys seriously, now it's just annoying'. Midoriya made his way up to the front of the room before picking up a piece of chalk.

He heard the muttering for the class turn into gasps worried tones as he started to write on the blackboard.  He heard some chairs scape and a few pairs of feet moving. Whether it was towards him or way from him, he didn't know.

Well, he didn't know until someone tried to take the chalk away from him. The person grabbed his hand before he quickly fazed out of the person's grip. He continued to write on the board as panicked shouts and frantic words were heard around the room.

When he finished writing he moved of the the side a little and started to draw his signature tag. This of course led to more panicked shouts and sounds of hurried footsteps.

Midoriya dropped the chalk and stepped back to fully look at the art piece he'd made of the board.

'hErE'  was written, in the most overly horrifying handwriting Midoriya could muster. It ended up looking like a scared child had written it, which was fine with Midoriya. It has certainly worked in scarring to class.

Speaking of the class, the few that stayed behind were pale, terrified of the thought that someone had gotten into UA, completely unnoticed. Said person also seemed to be deranged. There had to be something wrong with them to go to all this trouble just to scare some kids.

The kids were perhaps right, but Midoriya was dead, so things like that didn't matter anymore. Not that they matter much to him in the first place, but that was his own business.

Midoriya left the scene of the crime, happy with his work. He was even more happy that it was and actually 'crime scene' that he was leaving.

'If this is what they consider a crime, I wonder what everything else I'm planning will be seen as? Only one way to find out.'

AN: Hey, Hey, Hey you beautiful losers! I'm sorry this was so short. I'm planning on making another one soon and making it longer. The black haired girl Tetsutetsu was talking to is Yui Kodai. She's in 1-B and looks like Momo with shorter hair. She so pretty omg. Anyways, I might have gotten distracted while looking at different characters so oops. The amount of research I did just to make an into that somewhat related was embarrassing, but whatever. Oh, I've also decided I want a feral girl in this and already have a few new ideas to write, but I have to wait a little so that kinda sucks. Anyways, I hope you have a good day or night or whatever!

Who's your favorite 'My Hero Acadamia' character?

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