Chapter 29: Summer Fun in the Middle of Winter

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Midoriya felt like he hadn't had any time to fuck with people lately. He had so much going on eith classes he didn't care about, annoying the shit outta people, and stealing things to create a full-on prank. It took time to plan these things, of course.

But, today? Oh Midoriya had all the time in the world. After planning for a week, he had everything he needed at just the right time. Most of that week had been spent stealing people's school supplies, but there's no need to talk about that.

It was very cold today. So cold, people had to wear at least 3 layers to feel like it was their bones that were shaking from the cold, not just icesicles. It was the perfect temperature for Midoriya to ruin multiple people's days.

While the rest of the class was getting ready for the day, Midoriya pulled Hagakure and Kaminari aside.

"Don't walk with the rest of the class to school today. Either go early or late." Midoriya whispered to them, pulling them close to him so no one else could hear. He let the go and walked out the front door with a very large, overfill backpack that only Hagakure could see.

She looked over at Kaminari as he looked back at her. They nodded to each other in silent understanding, getting their stuff together as fast as possible without making anyone suspicious. They left about 30 minutes before class started, making sure no one else was with them. They took no chances with getting caught up in whatever their ghost friend was doing.

Most of the class walked together to the main schooling building, even Bakugo. The only people that didn't were Todoroki, because he preferred to get there earlier than others to be alone longer, and Iida, because he was the kind of person to say " Early is on time and on time is late," like that made any fucking sense.

Hagakure and Kaminari were the first to get there. They sat at Hagakures desk and talked for a few minutes. Their conversation paused for a second when Midoriya came inside the room with a large bucket. He looked at them and gave them the ' Pretend I'm not here, cause technical I'm not,' look that only Hagakure saw.

She turned to Kaminari and continued their previous conversation. Kaminari was confused for s second, before he understood and continued talking like nothing was happening.

Midoriya, however, was setting up a little trap. Todoroki and Iida usually ended up walking into the classroom at the same time, so he knew he could Most likely get both of them with the same trick. He pulled a desk over to the door and took off his backpack.

He rummaged through the contents of his bag before finding the desired items. Duck tape and the large amounts of pens that 'disappeared' from the classroom and police station, for some odd reason.

He started duck taping the pens in a line across the door. He grabbed the bucket he brought in, which was filled with water, and tested his sturdy it would be on top of the door of pens.

Once he was sure it would stay, which only happened if the door was open a crack for support, he left the bucket there and went to phase two of his plan. He fazed through the door to make sure the water bucket stayed where it was.

He made his way to the second floor. He went to the window right about the front entrance and looked out. Todoroki and Iida were just coming out of the dorm building, heading to the classroom.

Midoriya looked down at the many buckets of water of water balloons he had collected. It was enough to soak a whole lot of people, which was exactly the plan.

The started balancing the buckets on the windowsill, fazing them through the window to avoid suspicion, though he was sure there would already be enough of that.

He heard a crash and a few startled screams. He laughed at the misery that he was causing all of the students.

He looked back up through the window as he was picking up the last bucket and saw the rest of the 1-A students. He quickly put the last bucket on the windowsill and stepped back.

As the class got closer to the main building, Midoriya got ready. He was going to have a push a lot of buckets pretty fast so he had to make sure he was prepared.

When they were almost under him, he put his hands on two of the buckets and started counting to three.


They got a little closer.





He pushed the two buckets he already had in his hands and started rushing to push the others. He heard screams coming from below and finished pushing the buckets.

He saved one bucket for the end, just to make sure he got everybody. He started picking up the water balloons and searching for his next victim. He fazed through the window to get a better shot and started firing at people.

He hit a lot of people in the back, the people who got splashed the least. He also hit Bakugo, one of the people got got splashed the most anyway. He deserved it the most, so Midoriya didn't feel bad.

After he finished the whole bucket he made sure to run back to class as fast as he could. He didn't want to get caught yet.

When he ran into the classroom, he immediately noticed the water on the floor. He laughed as he ran over to Hagakure and Kaminari, who were also loudly laughing.

"Okay, okay. I was here the whole time, right?" He asked his friends in-between laughs. They nodded while snickering in response.


"It really wasn't us! We were together the whole time! Check the security if you still don't believe us." Hagakure said. After everyone changed clothes, they told Aizawa what happened. The only two invisible people in the school were immediately blamed for it. The teacher pulled them aside to ask if it was them.

He rubbed his temple tiredly. He really didn't have enough energy for this, but when did he ever?

"Okay, I believe you. We'll check the cameras to see if we can catch who did this. Why were you guys so early today anyways?" Aizawa asked the two teens in front of him.

"I like going to school early cause it's too loud in the dorms. I asked if they wanted to come with me so we could hang out before class." Midoriya stated calmly. He expected something like this to happen, so he already had plenty of excuses for every question that could be asked.

"Alright, you guys are free to go. Class is canceled today so we can make sure everyone who got wet didn't catch a cold." Their teacher said dismissing them. They started walking back before Aizawa spoke again.

"Oh, Ku. We found a way to verify who you are. Tomorrow you will be taken to the police station to talk with a detective with a quirk that helps with these things." Aizawa said finally fully dismissing them. As he walked away the two teens shared a look.

'Oh shit.'

AN: Heyo you beautiful losers! Small cliffhanger ig. Thank you guys so fucken much for all the votes and views and stuff! And have you seen the rankings?! It's crazy! Your comments are so nice and the motivate me to write so thank you for those too. I read all of them at some point and I love talking to you guys! Also happy Pride Month! If you want me to do anything special tell me, I'd be happy to try! Okay I'll stop talking now. Have a good morning or night or whatever!

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Words: 1335

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