Chapter 30: You Can't Lie To A Lie Detector Idiot

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"Oh fuck. Oh shit. What am I supposed to do now?"

Midoriya was pacing in his dorm room while Kaminari and Hagakure sat on his bed, staring at him.

"You don't even know what they're gonna do yet. Don't be so negative. You've always been good with plans, you'll think of something I'm sure." Hagakure tried to assure him. I didn't work.

"I have a pretty good idea of who it is, and if I'm right, I'm mega fucked." Midoriya thought back to his 2 days at the police station. He'd overheard a lot, including who had what quirks, and who often worked with who.

"How exactly would you know who it is?" Kaminari questioned suspiciously.

"Okay, so I might have pulled a few pranks on the police station and I might have overheard a few things. No big deal."

"You what?! The police?! Oh my god. Okay, yeah that's something you would do." Hagakure sighed.

"So who do you think it is? How bad is it?" Kaminari questioned.

"It's one of the detectives. His name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. His quirk is 'Lie Detector'. He can tell when someone is lying. There's no way I can get passed that." Midoriya said worriedly.

"Fuck, that's bad. Umm... I can't think of anything. Hagakure?" Kaminari questioned, now almost as worried as Midoriya. The girl had a thoughtful look on her face before responding.

"Izuku... I think it's better to just let them find out. I mean think about it! It's not like they can really do anything about your presence here, and imagine the look on everyone faces!" Hagakure tried to convince him.

Midoriya was about to answer until he was interrupted but a loud knock on his door. Everyone's heads snapped to the door. Midoriya started walking over to open it. Another knock came.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm right here, jeez." Midoriya said as he opened the door. His eyes widened and he started to worry when he saw his homeroom teacher standing at his door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but the detective is going to be busy tomorrow, so we have to go today. We should have plenty of time to get there and back, seeing as it's only a few verifying questions." Aizawa said boredly.

"Pleaee be down in the common room in five minutes. Don't be late." Aizawa waved as he left. Now Midoriya was really freaking out.

"I'm going to die. Well I'm already dead, but I'm about to decend." Midoriya said.

"Don't you mean acend?" Hagakure asked.

"No. I'm a piece of shit, I'm going to hell. Now onto the more pressing matters, help? Midoriya said freaking out slightly. His friends face-palmed at his antics.

"Like I told you, there's nothing we can do. You'll probably just have to endure it and get exposed. I'm sorry Izuku." Hagakure said, looking at her lap. She wanted to help him, but there really wasn't any way she could. Midoriya sighed.

"Alright, well if they find out, they find out. If they don't, they ddon't. I'll still do what I usually do, they can't stop that. And hey! I'll probably even be able to fuck more eith people if they actually know I'm dead." Midoriya ranted for a second.

He looked at his clock and panicked slightly. He had a minute to get downstairs.

"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!" Midoriya said, before running to open the door.

"Oh, I forgot I was dead." He said, stopping. He fazed through the floors until he reached the ground level. He walked up to his teacher. He waved, before stopping, remembering the teacher couldn't even see him.

"Hello." Midoriya said calmly. Aizawas eyes widened for a second, before regaining his composure.

"Hello, Ku. Let's get to the car. UA provided one for this, so let's not keep it waiting."


"Hello Ku, welcome. Please follow me so we can start." The detective greeted him formally. Midoriya nodded, once again forgetting most people can't see him.

The three went into the detectives office. Tsukauchi sat in his seat behind the desk while he gestured for the other two to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of him.

"So, I will be asking you some simple questions and then you can leave, alright?" Tsukauchi questioned.

"Mhm." Midoriya hummed, regretting comming already.

"Let's start with your name." The detective said.

"My names Izuku." Midoriya said, avoiding the full question.

"I need your full name, please." He replied. Midoriya didn't say anything for a few seconds, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He could feel both pairs of eyes on him when he didn't answer the question.

"Ku, you need to tell him your name." Aizawa said cautiously.

"My names Izuku Ku." Midroiya said, knowing he would be caught quickly.

"Lie." The detective said, slowly standing up and reaching behind him for his handcuffs.

"I can't tell you my name." Midoriya said vaguely.

"What do you mean you can't tell us?" Aizawa said, holding his capture weapon tightly, ready to strike at any moment.

"Because you won't believe me." Midoriya replied, looking at his lap.

"We need you to tell us your name or we will have to arrest you for fraud and impersonation." Tsukauchi told him. There was another silence before Midoriya spoke again.

"My names Izuku Midoriya."


A.N. Heya you beautiful losers! Sorry this was so short but I'm kinda tired and feeling a little unmotivated today. I'll try to post a little earlier next time, but no promises. Thank you for all the support! I love all of you guys so much! Don't forget to leave any suggestions you would like to see or questions you have! Have a good day or night or whatever!

What's your favorite dessert?

Words: 962

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