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"what the heck...?" I said. what is this? I thought.

"aw heckkk no. when these things happen in movies the main character always goes and gets killed or chased by a serial killer." I rambled to myself.

I went to the trash can and harshly threw the note away. making sure it would never be seen by me again.

'probably some of the neighbors dumb kids pulling pranks on me.' I thought.

ugh let's just ignore that and go back to watching TV in my room. 'these kids don't know how to leave people alone when they're trying to enjoy their day!' I grumbled to myself.

I grabbed my phone and headed to my room once again, trying to calm myself from punching a hole in the wall.

luckily my phone had distracted me from my recent thoughts and was making me laugh my butt off because of how stupid the tiktoks I was watching were.

I was just laying in my bed watching tiktoks for hours. I didn't realize that it was already 10 by the time I had turned my phone off.

"man, did I really watch tiktoks for that long?" I asked myself. then I just shrugged and said "we'll, it's not like I had anything better to do"

I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower, but not before I grabbed my night wear and toiletries.

I entered the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and began to undress myself as one does.

"oh shoot." I mumbled. I had realized I had forgotten my phone on my bed, and I had wanted to play music so I wouldn't be standing in running water with no music.


'it's fine, no one needs music to take a shower. now stop being a wimp and take a shower' I thought to myself.

I put one foot into the shower, and the other one followed. I left the curtain open a little bit so some light would come into the shower.

I began to take a shower, the warm water running down my body was very calming to say the least.

I didn't want to leave. but I had to because it was almost 12 now, and I wanted to go to sleep .

I hurriedly washed my hair, still being thorough though, and turned off the water.

I stepped out and my mirror was fogged up due to the shower I had just taken. but something was different.

this fog was.. way thicker and heavier than normal. it was almost suffocating me . I couldn't breathe.

"what the" I uttered, hurriedly trying to exit my bathroom.

I managed to quickly dry and dress myself in 10 minutes, and was finally able to breathe again once I exited my bathroom.

I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone , checking if I had any new notifications.

normally I have at least 3 notifications from apps like tiktok, or my messages, but today.. there was nothing.

"that's weird" I said. I shrugged and decided to try and go to sleep now since it was 11:45.

I walked to every room in my apartment, turning off lights and making sure that nothing that I didn't was turned on.

after , I made sure to lock the front door and headed back to my room.

I walked in and went into the bathroom to turn off the lights, but then I realized something.

as soon as I walked into the bathroom, the same feeling of not being able to breath came back to me.

the air in there was thick, moist, and heavy.

I looked at the mirror, and it was still the same as when I left it.. fogged up.

"what the. it's been 30 minutes, the mirror should be clear again." I mumbled to myself.

I checked the shower, and it was off.

"this is weird.." I commented.

I decided to just ignore it, maybe the water was extra hot today and I didn't realize it.

I turned off the lights and closed the door to my bathroom. I also turned off the lights in my room, so that the only light that was on was from my TV.

I checked the time and it was 12:10.

"looks like I'm not going to sleep any time soon." I uttered.

I grabbed my phone and opened tiktok , hoping that watching tiktoks would help me go to sleep faster.

I just kept scrolling and scrolling, until I couldn't take it anymore and exited out of tiktok because I just wanted to go to bed.

I , instead , opened Instagram since it was calmer than tiktok.

I scrolled along my following and saw that someone I had previously gone to high school with posted a funny picture.

the caption read 'new challenge !! Post your most recent picture from your camera roll! this is mine lol, shrek in a princess costume and bright lipstick haha!'

I chuckled. "should I do this?" I asked myself. I wanted to see what my last picture was and if it was funny.

I exited Instagram and scrolled through my apps until I found my photos app.

I clicked it , and it opened.

I hit the button to show all of my pictures and went to today's date.

the last picture was taken at..


"w-what? I was turning off the lights at 12.." I mumbled to myself.

I clicked on today's date to show me the pictures and I gasped at the sight.

the first picture was taken at 11:50. it was a picture of .. red wine?

"that's not even my house? how'd my phone get that picture?" I asked myself.

I scrolled to the next picture. it was a group of 7 guys and 3 girls. they all had those masquerade masks on.

"this is really starting to creep me out.." I said, slightly fearing what other pictures there were.

I scrolled again, and it was the last photo. taken at exactly 12:00.

it was me.. but it wasn't.

it was a beautiful girl, she looked exactly like me. she was dressed in a long silky black dress that had a slit down the right leg.

"is...is that me?" I mumbled, being very confused by sm this whole thing.

while I was thinking, and trying to come up with a logical explanation for all of this.. a notification came up on my phone.

it was from an unknown number..


We are deeply sad that you could not attend tonight's red fest. but we hope you can accompany us next weekend.

same time, same place.

we hope to see you there

'what the freak..'

wrong party Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat