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we heard y/n and Jake screaming at each other , so everyone that was downstairs (which was basically everyone) rushed upstairs just to see Jake on the floor in tears.

"yah, Jake what the hell happened ?!  Where's   y/n!" I asked.

"we .. we got mad at each other . and I went off on her and I didn't mean to, I was just so s-scared that if she continued to not tell me things then she would end up just like aera. I - I let my emotions get the best of me and now she's g-gone" Jake sobbed , uncontrollably.

"yah Jake it's fine. just calm down and tell us exactly what happened" Heeseung said calmly, comforting jake as he sobbed.

he took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"well I was upset with her for not telling me about the note, so I lashed out on her and I said something I sh-shouldn't have said." Jake explained.

"what did you say hyung?" Niki asked.

"well at first I told her to get out of my room. but that 'get out' soon turned into 'get the fuck out of my room' and before she stormed off she said to not expect her to come back and now I don't know where she went or if she will come back , but I didn't mean it, I love her so damn much . I need y/n back" he started crying as he finished explaining what had just happened.

everyone looked at each other, questioning what to do next. "guys prepare to hunt tonight, we're going to find y/n" jungwon stated.

everyone nodded , everyone except Jake and heeseung stayed silent because Jake was still crying and heeseung was just there for jakes moral support.


'I cant believe this.' I thought to myself.

my cheeks were stained with constant tears that refused to stop flowing down my face.

My eyes were puffy and red from non-stop crying, and my nose was all stuffy and red.

"and to think someone was actually capable of loving a bitch like me" I scoffed.

I was walking in the woods that surrounded the mansion , trying to find a way out of them.

I was walking, being slightly quiet because I didn't want the werewolves to find me. leaves were slightly crunching under my bare feet, but not loud enough to the point that I could be putting myself in danger.

I continued to walk endlessly looking for a way out of the forest.

i saw a large tree coming into my view, so I walked up to it and sat down , taking a small break under the tree.

I sat there and closed my eyes, hoping to clear my mind.

as I was sitting there I was clearing my mind if everything I had gone through in the past month and decided that once I get out of here , I'm going to leave. leave this country , maybe go to the states.


a loud noise was heard, and from the sounds of it, it sounded like leaves crunching under something's foot.

my eyes shot open, looking around to see no one.

' maybe I'm just being paranoid' I thought.

I tried to relax myself again, but I heard another sound.


I sat up and looked around again.

"w-whos out there?!" I yelled, trying to sound confident, but I was shitting myself on the inside.

the last thing I heard was a low growl coming from behind me, before a hand covered my mouth .

I tried to fight back , remembering my new powers, but the scent that was in that cloth made me feel somewhat drowsy.

I saw him before my vision went completely black.

I saw K...

unknown POV

I saw everything that happened.

I saw that girl get taken, but I knew I was in no place to fight. I knew that I had to go to them if that girl wanted to live.

I quickly dashed to the house and hurriedly knocked on the door.

Jake's POV

I'm so stupid.

how could I let my emotions get the best of me?!

I was sitting in my room, concerned, worried , and pissed off at myself for letting my emotions get the best of me.

I don't know where y/n is, if she's safe, if she's even going to come back, and I hate it.

"yah! Jake someone is at the door, cmon! it might be about y/n!" Hana said, rushing to get everyone downstairs.

I rushed downstairs hoping for some good news. everyone rushed down and went to the door.

we opened the door and was greeted by an old friend. "DANIEL?!" we all said in unison.

"hey hyung's and noonas" Daniel said.

we all embraced him as we had been SEPERATE for a long time.

"I thought you were at vampire training, what are you doing here?!" Niki asked.

"we're on break for 2 weeks, I was coming here to say I was back but.. there's someone who needs help." He said, hesitantly.

"who?" Jungwon asked.

"uh well when I was on my way over here, I saw a girl about this tall" he said, demonstrating how tall he thinks she was.

"she had creme skin, brown eyes, mid-length black hair, and was extremely pretty" he said, describing what she looked like.

I froze. "w-what happened to her?" I asked.

"the- the werewolves got her. she looked like she was resting under a tree and they came up behind her and put a cloth to her mouth and nose and she passed out." Daniel explained.

I clenched my hands into tight fists. "that's my  y/n . how dare they touch her" I growled.

"Jake calm down, you're going to lose control before we even get to her" sunoo said.

"did you see where they took her Daniel?" Jay asked. "well I saw they strapped her onto one werewolf's back, but I didn't see where they went." he said.

I groaned. "but ! at vampire training, they taught us a new and effective way to track someone or something. I could try and use their scent to find y/n?" Daniel explained.

"ok, here's the plan. we rest tonight because we're all mentally drained from today. tommorow first thing in the morning, we're going to head out and go get y/n. got it?" Heeseung stated.

"but hyung what if they hurt her before hand?" I asked, worried about her.

"don't worry Jake, if they lay even a hair on her, they'll regret it" Heeseung said with determination.

"since when did you care about y/n's well-being" Jay asked. "since I figured out that she's going to be with us forever." Heeseung replied.

everyone went quiet. "hyung, what are we going to do? we can't just go in there with no plan" Niki asked.

"don't worry Niki, leave that up to me" Heeseung said, ruffling Kiki's hair.

and with that, we all went to bed preparing ourselves for what we would face tomorrow.


ok so I normally don't type after the chapters like this but...


I will not be the same person after this comeback

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