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I walked out of the house and into the small garden that connected to it.

the sense of the calm dusk air hitting my face felt relaxing , the stress I've felt over the past 2 days just flowing out of me as I kept walking.

I took a deep breath in. inhaling the natural scent of the garden. "well hello there miss" I heard an unfamiliar voice call out.

I turned around, and saw a tall boy, he looked foreign but spoke perfect Korean.

"um hi? who are you ?" I asked. "oh I'm K , I'm the uh, the gardener" he replied.

"oh, we'll care to give me a tour of the garden?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.

"sure why not" he said with a smile.

he turned around and motioned for me to follow him, and I walked closely behind him as we walked further into the garden.


"and this is the rose Bush are. we keep all of our red roses here." K finished the tour.

he was very sweet and friendly, he kind of reminded me of Hana in a way.

"wow that tour was amazing!!" I exclaimed. he smiled. "hey I have one more thing I want to show you" he said.

"what is it?" I asked, getting excited. "close your eyes" he said, and I did what he asked.

I stood still with my eyes closed, waiting for further instructions. I felt him come closer and closer to me and before I knew it , I could feel his breath fanning my face.

"but first you have to do me a favor" he whispered in my ears. I giggled.

"what" I asked. he was silent for a moment. but he finally spoke in my ear again.

"give me your blue blood" he whispered, I froze.

I opened my eyes to see him right infront of me.

"I - I don't know what you're talking about" I said, trying to act dumb. he smirked.

"I know you know y/n. and I also know your little vampire friends are living with you, protecting you, but I dragged you too far for them to hear us" he said,going forward causing me to move back.

"K what are you doing?" I asked, stepping back.

"you ever heard of werewolves?" He suddenly asked. I furrowed my eyebrows , until I connected all of the dots.

I silently gasped.

"y-you're apart of the werewolf clan aren't you" I asked, coming to a realization.

"wow , you aren't as dumb as they say you are. yes I am. and you will not be leaving this place with your life" he snarled , before he changed into a werewolf.

his fur was black, it looked soft, but his teeth were a yellow color and saliva was slowly dripping off of his canines.

the wolf started walking towards me, making me back up. the wolf hunched down, ready to pounce any second.

I heard him growl, and then he pounced, I ducked , and closed my eyes waiting for my doom.

all of a sudden I heard what sounded like a dogs whimper. I opened my eyes and there stood Jake.

he was crouching in front of me, separating me and the wolf from each other.

"K, don't you dare touch her" Jake hissed.

K got up and did one of those little dog shakes.

"fine, I'll leave then" he growled. k turned around and slowly started to walk off.

Jake then turned around, glaring at me. "yah are you dumb or something? we told you not to go out by yourself!" he scolded me.

he continued to scold me with his back turned away from where I saw K coming back.

"Jake-" I tried to gain his attention. "no shut up, I'm not through-" he interrupted me. but was cut off by me pulling his hand and all of a sudden running out of the path of K's attack.

I widened my eyes. "h-how did I get here so fast?" I mumbled, and Jake seemed to think for a spilt second.

"y/n you're vampire speed just got initiated." He said. I mouthed an 'o'.

I turned around and saw K approaching us again. "oh so little y/n, is getting her powers" he mocked.

I ran up to K and picked him up and started floating into the air. "now you listen here K, you go and tell your little werewolf friends that I am not afraid to kill all of y'all if you attack again, got it?" I hissed.

at first , his big wolf eyes didn't change from that cold , evil look, but when I started to gaze into his eyes, it was almost like my stare made him scared.

the wolf nodded his head and so I dropped him back onto the ground and he ran away, howling.

I then slowly made my way back to the ground.

"woah, howd I do that" I asked myself. "y/n, I don't like you, but I will help you out here. you just initiated 3 new powers. speed, levitation, and eye paralyzation" Jake said.

I looked back to him.

"what's those things?" I asked, and he rolled his eyes. there's the Jake I know.

"the meaning is literally in the name. but if you must know every detail go to sunghoon and don't bother me" he spat.

I sighed and walked back towards the house, leaving him there. I didn't want to admit it to him, but he was right about asking sunghoon about stuff like this.

I went to go find Hana or someone because I didn't know where his room was.

as I was frantically searching for anyone I bumped into Niki. "oh hey y/n" he said, giving me his boxy smile.

"hey Niki, could you uh , help me find sunghoon's room? I need to talk to him" I asked him.

"oh yeah sure, hop on my back, it'll be way faster than walking there" he said, and crouched down slightly so I could hop in his back.

I jumped on his back and immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

Niki laughed, "yah calm down woman, I'm not going to drop you" he said laughing out loud.

his laugh made me laugh along with him. then once we stopped laughing, Niki ran up the 3 flights of stairs with a smile on his face.

little did we know, someone was watching us with envious eyes..

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