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"wait you said there was always 2 blue bloods, where's the other?" I asked.

"uh we don't know, we knew it had to be someone that you either already knew or was bound to meet so that kind of narrows it down some" Hana said.

I nodded my head.

"so who's going to initiate the immortal block?" sunghoon asked. I looked at everyone and my eyes landed on Jake.

"why are y'all looking at me?! just because I'm the only one that is capable of doing it doesn't mean I wanna do it for this girl!" Jake hissed.

"ok you might not like me, but can't you just do this one thing so that we can stop talking?!" I snapped at him.

he glared at me. he walked up to me, but his vampire speed came with it so he was infront of me in the blink of an eye.

he neared my face while everyone was just staring at us. "you're a brave girl aren't you? snapping at a vampire? your lucky they don't want to kill you, or else I would've done it already." he whispered into my ear.

his icy cold breath, grazing my ear sending shivers all throughout my body. he backed away with a proud smirk on his face.

'oh how I want to slap that smirk right off your perfect face' I thought to myself.

Hana snorted, switching all eyes to her. I was confused at first , but then I remembered she could read minds.

"YAH , you better not say anything!" I threatened her. she put her hands up surrendering , with a light chuckle.

"ok so what's next? I mean, who's going to do the immortal block if that ass hole over there won't do it?" I asked.

"I can try! I've been learning from sunghoon hyung" Niki offered. "I mean you can try" I said.

Niki got up and walked over to the middle of my apartment. he closed his eyes and started speaking.

"father, may this house be immune to the dark immunities of the immortal spirits. may this house be content with the immortals in this room. may the spirits be banned from this house if in their true form" Niki spoke.

the house suddenly went dark. the lights all went out in unison. "guys! guys what's happening?!" I asked, scared.

I dove , looking for something or someone to hold. I found something, I grabbed onto it and wrapped my arms around it.

I didn't know what it was but it smelled good, like a males cologne. it might be jungwon, which I didn't mind.

all of a sudden, the lights flashed back on and everyone was still in the same spot they were minutes ago.

I was the only one that moved. I looked up to see what I was holding , and it was the worst of them all, Jake.

I looked up to see his eyes blazing into mine with fury. he inches closer to my face and inhaled.

"Jake no" Ryunjin said. he closed his eyes and pushed me off of him.

"next time watch what you grab" he hissed at me.

I rolled my eyes and went back over to Hana. "he's an ass" I mumbled. and everyone laughed except for Jake.

"so , there's one more thing you should know about vampires, and I'm not only talking about us" rose said. she looked at Hana, asking for permission to speak.

Hana nodded, signaling for her to tell me. "when we first turn, we become vicious. we can't control our thirst for blood. that's why Hana went away for 2 years after her and jungwon turned" rose explained.

"how long have y'all been vampires?" I asked. "well you know me and jungwon have been like this for about 6 years, and everyone else has been like this for about 50 years. we don't age , we grow just like normal, but we don't age once we hit our matured stage." Hana said.

"except Jake" Ryunjin pointed out.

I looked at Jake and he seemed to stiffen up. "Jake is different. we all knew each other back when we were in school, but once we changed , Jake was left alone. and he dealt with some... awful things while we were gone. and then one day about 5 years ago we found him in an alley, unconscious. so we did the only thing we could to save him. we changed him." heeseung said.

I mouthed a 'wow' and looked at Jake with a soft look, to which he returned a glare towards me.

"what hap-" I started to question, but was cut off by Jake. "you don't need to know what I went through, got it?" Jake snapped.

I sighed and looked at Hana. I used my mind to speak to her through her mind reading power.

'will you tell me what happened to him?" I asked through my mind.

I saw her sigh . "ok everyone , it's 4 in the morning , I think it's time for everyone to leave. thanks for coming and talking. see y'all later." Hana said.

"whatever you say" heeseung said. all of a sudden my apartment was empty, except for Hana.

"that's going to take a little getting used to" I said , speaking to myself.

I sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to me , motioning for Hana to sit.

"this is a lot isnt it?" she asked me, sitting down next to me. I nodded.

"why do Jake and heeseung act like they hate me?" I asked, feeling upset.

"heeseung is like that to new people. he sees opening up to people as a threat. until he knows you're no danger to us, he's a bit of an ass" she explained.

"a bit?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. she chuckled .

"and what about Jake?" I asked.

she was silent for a while before talking. "it's personally not my place to tell you what happened to him, but I will tell you that it had something to do with a lover. that's all I'm going to say." she said, avoiding the explanation.

I sighed. "well I guess I can't get mad at you." I said.

we sat there in silence for a while. I was gathering my thoughts, about all I had learned in a couple of hours.

"so what's next...?"

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