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"owww" I groaned . my head was pounding. It felt like someone was constantly punching a hole into my head.

I didn't want to open my eyes ; I couldn't open them because of how painful my headache was.

I eventually forced myself to open my eyes .

I fluttered open my eyelids and took a look at my surroundings.

'what the. this isn't the mansion' I thought.

'oh wait. I remember.' I mentally reminded myself of yesterdays events.

"where even am I" I mumbled. I tried to stand up , but that's when I realized I was laying down on a reclining chair with my legs and arms tied down.

(kinda like the chair you sit on when you go to the dentist)

"what the fuck" I uttered. I looked at the room I was in and saw that it was almost like a doctors office.

"how did I even end up here. most importantly what is this place?" I was talking to myself , but then the door opened , revealing the person I least expected.

"nice to see you again y/n" he said.

"K i thought I told you to leave me and my friends alone"I said through clenched teeth.

"you really thought I was scared by your little hypnotizing gaze powers?" He asked me with a smirk hammered into his face.

"now you see y/n, your blue blood can help me and the other wolves out dearly. once we get a pint of blood from you, we will overpower your little vampire friends and destroy all vampires in the world so that werewolves will cover all the territory in the world. doesn't that sound nice    y/n?" he said.

"go to hell" I growled.

"well that's not very nice now is it?" he asked me, pretending to be offended. he inches closer to me as he spoke.

he harshly grabbed my face with his giant palm.

"look at you. don't have your little vampire friends and now you're weak" he said, slightly throwing my face away" he spat.

I stayed silent. "now that you have nothing left to say, I'll explain what will happen to you in the next 24 hours" he said.

he walked to the table next to me and grabbed a needle. I widened my eyes at the sight of it.

K saw my frightened expression and smirked.

"this little needle here is going to drain your body completely of blood. I know I only need 1 pint , but go big or go home right?" He said, sarcastically.

"once I have all of your blue blood, me and the other wolves will overpower any mortal in the world" he said.

he came closer to me and tried to inject the needle into my skin, but I jerked away.

"oh y/n you're just making this worse" he said before slapping me , hard.

"now keep your ass still and let me take your blue blood" he commanded. I still didn't want to be stuck with a needle in my arm, so I continued to resist.

if it weren't for my legs and arms being restrained down with materials that even a vampire can't break, I would've kicked him in his face already.

since I couldn't move, I resorted to my next option ; screaming.

I screamed as loud as I could, but my mouth eventually got covered with a cloth.

I knew there was some sort of sleeping scent in it, so I tried to hold my breath until he let go of my face.

I pretended to fall asleep, and while I sat there with my eyes closed, I tried to think of anything that could help someone find me.

when I was about to give up, I remembered something that happened not too long ago..


me and Jake were cuddling in my room , watching Netflix , and eating snacks.

'I never knew I needed someone like him in my life' I thought to myself.

"me neither to be honest" Jake said.

I turned to him with my eyebrows furrowed. "what?" I asked him, confused.

"you - you said you never knew you needed someone like me in your life?" He said, sounding more like a question.

I furrowed my eyebrows further, trying to figure out how he just heard me say that when I only said it in my head.

'why does she look so confused?' I heard Jake say.

"I said that in my head, that's why I'm so confused!" I said. this time it was jake's turn to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

'how the hell' he thought.

"see! you just said 'how the hell'"!!" I exclaimed. "I just thought that!" He said.

"wait a minute" I said.

I concentrated , and said something in my head.

'say apples if you think I just said something' I said through my head.

"apples" Jake said.

I gasped in realization. "Jake!! I think we can read minds!" I said in excitement.

he seemed to think for a moment. "this must be a blue blood power that get triggered as well" Jake said.

"let's have a conversation in our heads!" I said clapping my hands excitedly. Jake chuckled.

we sat there not speaking, but letting our minds connect with each other's.

'youre so cute' Jake said in his mind.

'yah, stop my face will turn red!' I thought.

we were both smiling at each other.

'I love you y/n' Jake said through his head. I smiled and pecked his cheek. 'I love you too Jake' I thought.

end of flashback

I felt something poke my arm and held back a groan of pain. 'I need to get through to Jake' I thought.

I sat still with my eyes closed, thinking of nothing but Jake to firstly connect our minds. hopefully he wasn't asleep or something right now.

'Jake?! jake please tell me you're there?!' I thought.

Jake POV

I was in my room again. ever since y/n left I barely see the outside of my room unless I need to eat or use the restroom.

'jake ?! can you hear me?!' I heard.

I shot my eyes open. I sat up on my bed frantically looking around my room for y/n.

'y/n?! y/n is that you?! are you ok ?! where are you?! look y/n I know we left in bad terms but please I'm telling you I didn't mean a single thing! my emotions got the best of me and now I'm scared because I don't want to lose you. I love you y/n , so much and I did-' I ranted.

'yah Jake! I feel the same way but we don't have time for this! you have 24 hours to find me or it'll be too late. the place they took me is somewhere in the woods. I'm in some sort of doctor room? and they're draining me of my blood. please get here before tommorow morning or else I won't be able to stay awake. please Jake. if you don't..' she stopped.

'if you don't get here, know that I love you Jake. only you..' she said.

'nonono, y/n I'm not doing this again, I'm coming to get you ok? stay strong bub . I'm coming.' I said.

I didn't get a response so I shot my body out of my body and rushed down to everyone's bedrooms waking them up and telling them to meet in the living room.

** (very small time skip)

everyone was down in the living room waiting for me to speak. "what the hell is so important that you had to wake us up at 12 in the morning ?!" Jay slightly raised his voice.

"we need to get y/n now..."

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