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Michael had been sheltering with you for a month now and Alice was on holiday for a weekend and your father was working in the evenings, as usual. Michael was always very good at hiding. When your father came into your room and Michael was in your room, he still managed to hide himself.

Michael had changed a lot, you barely felt safe when he was with you. You and Michael were in your room and Michael wore his overalls covered in blood. It was so gross you had to say something about it.

"Michael... Please, let me wash your overalls." Michael looked your way and tilted his head. You sighed and sat down behind him. "I'm going to take a look at your clothing size, don't do anything." You put your hand around his neck and just as you were about to check his size, Michael threw you off him and you landed with your back on the floor. "Ouch " you rolled your eyes. "Okay never mind I'll grab clothes without checking your size... But don't get mad if it doesn't fit you!"

You walked over to a wardrobe and looked at some clothes. You found a black shirt and a black sweatpants. You were fine with it and it looked like it fit Michael. You walked back to your room where Michael was. "Here, put this on. I'll wait for you downstairs. Take your overalls too." You closed your room door and walked downstairs. After a while Michael walked downstairs and sat next to you on the couch. You looked at him and you had to admit, he looked good in those clothes. You blushed at the thought and cleared your throat.

You took Michael's overalls from his hand and walked to the washing machine. When you had turned it on you went back to the couch and sat next to Michael. Michael sighed, petted your head and watched the random movie that was on the television.


You woke up on your couch. You growled and climbed off the couch. You looked around and Michael wasn't there. You walked to the washing machine and Michael his overalls weren't lying there anymore. He's on the hunt again. You sighed and walked to your bed where you spent the rest of your day drawing and listening to music.


You almost fell asleep while you were drawing, until all of a sudden your door was slammed open. You flinched and looked at the door. You saw Michael standing by the door and there was blood all over him. blood flowed from a hole near his stomach and small amounts of blood ran under from his mask. Your eyes went wide and you quickly came to Michael's side. "Michael! Come to the bathroom!" You ran to the bathroom and Michael followed with difficulty.

You grabbed some alcohol and a bandage with a cloth. "Sit on the floor." Surprisingly, Michael did what you said and sat on the floor. You put the alcohol on the cloth and sat in front of Michael. "Take your overalls off." Michael tilted his head. "Please, Michael! Take it off so I can clean your wound!" Michael got what you meant and zipped the overalls down. There was another black shirt underneath it, and Michael lifted it up so you could get to the wound. You blushed a little when you saw that Michael looked very good, but quickly gathered yourself back together and looked at the wound.

It looks like a stab wound. "Were you stabbed with a knife while trying to kill someone?" you asked Michael. Michael nodded his head. You sighed and picked up the alcohol cloth. "This can hurt a little." You said and you dipped it on his wound. Michael hissed a little and tightened his stomach. You blushed again and decided to look up, where you now saw even more blood flowing from under his mask. "Michael, you have blood on your face too! Let me take your mask off, please..." Michael shook his head. you sighed and decided to focus on his stomach first.

You cleaned the wound well and then put a bandage around it. His overalls and shirt were now dirty and ruined. "Wait here." You went to your closet and grabbed a new black shirt for Michael. When you got back, you put the shirt next to him. When he reached for the shirt, you grabbed his wrist. "I need to see your face first. Michael froze. "I understand you don't want to but please do! I have already seen you without a mask three years ago and... I don't know what happened in that hospital while I was away, or what it is why you don't want to show your face, but I know that you look fine and even if you didn't I wouldn't care, so please take off your mask so I can see what's bleeding."

Michael looked surprised at what you had told him and he slowly nodded his head. You smiled and Michael put his hand on the hair of his mask. He slowly lifted his mask and you could see more and more of his head. His chin, his lips, his eyes and then his whole head. He was so beautiful. You blushed again and smiled like crazy.

"T... Thank you, Michael. He looked the same as three years ago, but nicer and slightly older. He also had a scar on his left eye. You felt like time had stopped and looked at his face, but then realized why you wanted Michael to take his mask off in the firt place and searched for the wound. It was above his right eye and also a knife wound. It wasn't a big deal but it did need to be cleaned.

You cleaned the wound and Michael hissed again and took your wrist gently. You looked into his eyes and saw him looking at you with a soft expression. You smiled, wiped some more blood and noticed that you were very close together with your faces. Michael grinned a little and leaned more towards your face. Everything was going well until you heard a noise.

"Y/n where are you?! Are you in the bathroom?!" Alice threw the bathroom door opened and saw you and Michael super close together, Michael with his shirt lifted up and with his hands around your waist and you with your arms around his neck. "Oh my god am I interrupting something?!" Alice shouted and she ran out the door giggling. You rolled your eyes and let go and you put everything away while Michael put on the black shirt you had picked for him. He also picked his mask up, but didn't put it on. You looked his way and smiled.

"Aren't you putting your mask on?" Michael grinned and shook his head. He took a note and a pen from his overalls pocket and wrote on it. He gave it to you and you read what it said. You and Alice have seen my face by now anyway. It is also much more comfortable without a mask. You laughed and hugged Michael. "That's good to hear." You let go and suddenly realized that Alice was still there. Oh no! I have to quickly tell Alice what happened before she thinks we were doing other things...

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