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You woke up on your couch and felt dizzy. You wanted to get up but the dizziness and the pain in your left shoulder wouldn't allow you to. You plopped back on the couch and looked next to you, where you saw Michael sitting without a mask on a chair. 

You smiled weakly and tried to sit up again, but Michael walked towards you and slowly pushed you back down. "Hi- Y/n. You need... R-rest." he told you. His voice was hoarse, but that was probably because he hadn't used his voice in a long time. You nodded your head. 

Michael shifted you slightly to your right side and looked at your shoulder. Then he walked away and came back with new bandages and a wet cloth and slowly took your bandages off. You hissed a bit from the pain. Michael put the wet cloth on your shoulder and wiped the fresh blood off. He took a new bandage and wrapped it around your shoulder. He's realyl gentle for a murderer. 

You already felt less dizzy and decided to sit forward. Michael sat down next to you and put an arm around you and turned the TV on.


You were still watching TV when the back door was suddenly thrown open. "Y/n! Is Michael there yet?!" It was Alice. She ran into the living room and saw you and Michael sitting by the TV. 

Michael still had his arm around you. Alice grinned. Did you two already ki-" 

"HELLO ALICE! YES, MICHAEL IS HERE." You yelled through it quickly so she couldn't finish her sentence. Alice folded her arms with the grin still on her face. Michael moved his arm awkwardly away from you and Alice stood in front of Michael. "Hi Michael! Nice to see you again after all these months!" Michael squinted his eyes. "Hi." Alice gasped. "You talk?!" Michael rolled his eyes. 

Alice shrugged and went to the fridge for food. You raised your eyebrow and continued to watch TV while Alice was making dinner. in your house. Not that you cared, because you knew you were going to get something too. 

After a while dinner was ready and Alice handed you and Michael a plate. You laughed. "Thank you, ma'am." Alice grinned and talked in an exaggerated British accent."Enjoy your dinner, lady and gentleman." Michael raised his eyebrow and ate while you and Alice chatted and giggled together. 

Michael was so fed up with your girly behavior that he put his empty plate on the table in front of your couch and went upstairs "Someone isn't happy today." You said and you and Alice giggled again. 

After a while, Alice went home and you went upstairs to see how Michael was doing. You opened your door and saw Michael watching TV on your bed "Yo, Michael. I get it if you find us annoying, I'll get annoyed too if I sat next to myself." Michael smirked and you sat next to him on your bed and watched the random movie he watched with him. 

You looked at him every now and then and quickly looked away when he looked your way, thinking Michael didn't notice you were looking at him. But Michael did notice. When you looked at Michael again, he was already looking at you. You blushed and wanted to look away, but Michael put his finger on your chin and tilted your head back his way. 

He moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around the waist. He moved even closer and you felt his breath on your lips. He put his left hand behind your head and slid his fingers into your hair. 

He put his head closer  and his lips pressed onto yours. It was perfect. You put your arms around his neck and Michael slowly pressed you down on your bed and deepened the kiss. It all happened so fast and before you knew it you had to let go to breathe. You looked into his eyes and blushed. He kissed you.

And you liked it.

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