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You were laying in your bed. Michael had gone out to kill someone. You told him not to, but he said it was necessary. 

You almost fell asleep until you heard a bang at your window. you got up from your bed and saw Michael. You opened the window. "Y/n, you have to help me!" Michael said. You raised your eyebrow. "What? Why?" "Come with me and I'll explain." You nodded your head and walked to your window. You jumped down with no damage done to you, thanks to your freerun skills and followed Michael. 

"What's going on?" you asked him. "I wanted to kill someone who knows a lot about me. I call him the successor to Dr. Loomis. But when I got to his house, I saw that he had cameras hanging around his house. Knowing him, there are probably people watching those cameras all day so I can't kill him easily. The people at the cameras must be distracted so I can kill that man." He stopped walking and grabbed your hands. "And I need you to be that distraction." He kissed your forehead and you smiled. 

"Okay... But how am I supposed to distract them?" You asked him. "I'm going to explain that to you now."


You stood at the door of the house of the man who wanted to find Michael and rang the bell. A man who looked to be in his fifties opened the door. "Hello Mr Brown. I'm Y/n l/n." The man smiled. "Hello, Y/n. I know you. You were good friends with Michael Myers, weren't you?" 

You nodded your head. "Yes i was. And the next thing I want to ask you is about Michael." The man's eyes lit up. "This may sound a little rough, but how did Michael not kill you yet?" The man laughed. "That's because of the guys watching the cameras." he told you. "Oh is that so? Can I see it? I understand if I can't, but I've wanted to see something like that for a long time." The man smiled. "Yes, of course! Follow me." 

The man put his hand on your back and ran his fingers a little on your shirt. You cringed from what he was doing, but tried not to show that you were uncomfortable. 

When Michael saw from the shadows what Mr. Brown did, he decided to give him a very painful death. 

The man took you down a flight of stairs down to a basement and showed you the room. There were three men with coffee who looked as if they hadn't slept in three days. 

"Gentlemen, This is Y/n. She's going to watch the cameras with you." The man finally took his hand off your back. "I have to go now. Have fun, Y/n." Perfect. You nodded your head to Mr. Brown and he walked upstairs. 

You walked up to the men in the middle. "Wow this is so cool! What does this button mean?" you pressed a button that said get rid of all data. the man sighed. "You've deleted all the saved data... But it doesn't matter because nothing special has happened yet." The man said in a very tired voice. 

"Oh sorry! and what does this button mean?" You clicked on a button that said shut out and the computers and cameras went off. The man sighed again. "you turned off the computers and cameras..." You grinned. "Oh really? Well in that case, MICHAEL! NOW" you exclaimed quickly. 

It seemed as if the tired men had come out of their tired states. "Michael? What do you mean by that?!" Asked the man on the left side of the screen. He tried to turn the computer back on, but you took your pocket knife from your pocket and put it by his throat. 

"If one of you three move, you're dead." The men were frightened and quickly nodded their heads. You heard screams from above and then a loud thump. 

Later you heard footsteps going down. Michael walked into the room and killed the two men who were frightened away from you while you cut the throat of the man you were holding. You grinned and you quickly cleaned everything.


You walked back to your house. "Damn I've killed someone again. I'm getting insane too. Michael grinned. "Now I'm not the only one who is crazy." You punched him jokingly on the shoulder and you arrived at your house. 

You climbed through the window and played some more GTA. 

What a day.

Two chapters in one day lets gooo

also, this story got 10k reads? Omfg i love you all

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