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You woke up and Michael was spooning you. you smiled and carefully got out of bed, but when you got up you immediately fell to the ground because of the pain in your legs. The pain is worth it. You got up with difficulty and stumbled forward. You felt yourself fall again, but before you could fall on the floor, two hands grabbed your waist. You looked up and saw that Michael had caught you. I think I woke him up when I fell. You smiled. "Thank you, Michael." He picked you up and walked downstairs. He laid you on your couch and made you some food. you almost cried for how nice he was to you. The food he made for you was great and you enjoyed it.


You were cuddling each other and watching TV until you heard the door open. You smiled and looked at the door, thinking you will see Alice. But when you saw who it really was, you were shocked. Dad. "D- dad? Are you already back i-" your father walked further into the living room. "Yes, I finished work earlier-" and then he saw Michael next to you on the couch. You smiled nervously at your father. 

Your father raised his eyebrow. "who is that?" Your father grinned. "Is this your boyfriend?" You blushed and Michael stiffened a little. "U-uhm well-" "Yeah." Your eyes went wide and you turned to Michael. Your father's grin widened. "Oh? And what's your name? Mhmm let me think... Could it be... Michael Myers?" 

You and Michael were speechless. At first you thought your father was joking but he was dead serious. "D- Dad how did you-" "he looks just like how you described him! Oh, Michael, you should know how often she talks about you!" You blushed. "Dad! Don't say that!" 

Your father laughed and you heard Michael laugh a little too. "Of course a normal father would have never allowed his daughter to date a serial killer, but as I always say, as long as you're happy, I'm okay with it." You couldn't believe your father was saying all that. 

"Oh and Michael? There's one thing you can't do. Don't kill people, or at least not us or people that we hang around with, like Alice." Michael looked upset. "But killing people helps me..." Then suddenly something popped into your head. "MICHAEL! I have a great idea! Follow me upstairs!" Your father laughed. "Oh so we're suddenly going upstairs now? Are you guys going to do some private things? I'm fine with everything, as long as you're wearing protection, Michael." You and Michael's heads turned red from embarrassment. "DAD! WHAT. THE. FUCK!" You jumped up from the couch but forgot that your legs hurt. You fell down. 

your father burst out laughing. "Oh! Looks like it already happened! But you wore protection, right, Michael?" You quickly got up and ran upstairs and ignored the pain in your legs. Michael quickly went after you. 

When you were in your room, you walked to your TV and revealed your playstation to Michael. "There are games on this thing where you can kill people." You put on GTA and then walked to your closet, where you held out an old TV and another Playstation. 

"Me and my dad sometimes play games together, that's why I have two of them." You also put the other TV and playstation ready and you played via playstation plus. After literally an hour of explaining it looked like Michael understood the game.

"You're going to love this game, Michael."

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