1. Unfair situation

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Y/N: What the FUCK do you mean I have to go to that stupid hotel?

Your Father sighs and puts his hand on your shoulder. His hand feels like it weighs a ton.

Kalus: Because, you little shit, this is an easy way for me to secure more power. Not that you have any particular charm. But even you should be capable of winning her over.

You brush his hand off your shoulder.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess that lack of charm passed down from you. So what, I go there and sweep her off her feet? I don't even know her.

Your dad's eyes glow and his voice deepens.

Kalus: Then I fucking suggest you learn real quick. Do NOT fuck this up. Don't bother coming back if you do.

Y/N: Yes sir. I'll get it done. (Whisper) fucking asshole.

You go back to your room and start packing some clothes. Your wardrobe is mostly dark colors. How in the fuck do you "win her over"?

Do you even want to? This could just be an easy out from this shit family. Your dad would probably come after you knowing him.

After getting some clothes packed you head to the foyer.

Butler: All ready sir?

Y/N: Yeah, as ready as I can be.

The butler moves your bags to the car and you get settled in the back. You put some headphones in and close your eyes.

What the fuck does your old man need more power for? How is leading Hells armies not enough? You look up any info you can find on this hotel.

Seems pretty straightforward. She plans to rehabilitate sinners. Yeah that doesn't seem like a lost cause.

Driver: Sir, we've arrived.

Y/N: Wonderful. Sigh let's get this over with. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll turn me away.

You get out of the car and take in the hotel. It actually doesn't look that bad. You notice someone by the front door.

???: Hey Mom, just me calling. Just out here still trying to make a difference. I'm not sure what I'm doing is right. I really need to talk to you. I gotta go. Love you. Bye.

Y/N: Ahem. I'm uh, looking for Charlotte Morningstar. I'm looking to stay at this hotel.

The girls face immediately lights up.

Charile: That me! Just call me Charlie though. I'm so excited to to have you here! What's your name?

Y/N: Uh, yeah sure. Charlie. It's Y by the way. Y/N.

Her expression changes. She looks worried.

Charlie: Your dad is Kalus right? Like the one in charge of training hells armies?

You simply nod in response.

Charlie: Well it's not my place to judge. All I ask is that you follow our rules.

Y/N: Oh? What's that?

Charlie: No violence, no swearing, no smoking, no drinking. We have mandatory therapy sessions to help overcome any problems. And a 10 pm curfew.

Y/N: Fair enough I guess. Am I free to head in then?

Charlie: Of course! I can get you set up with a room!

As you walk in you immediately notice the interior is not nearly as nice as the exterior. Cobwebs, dust, overturned furniture. It's a shithole.

Y/N: Seems like this place could use some work.

Purple Demon: You! I know you! What could someone like you possibly want here?

Y/N: That's a rude introduction. No reason to be a hostile bitch. I'm here as a tenant and nothing more.

Charlie: Hey, let's try and get along. Y/N, this is Vaggie.

Y/N: (sarcastically) A pleasure.

She stares daggers at you. You notice one other person in the lobby. Best to try and play nice. You do your best to smile.

Y/N: Hey, I'm Y/N. And you are?

Angel: Names Angel Dust hot stuff. Let me know if you ever get lonely.

You shudder.

Y/N: Not likely. I'm not into dudes.

Angel: Your loss.

He shrugs. You walk back to Charlie.

Y/N: So, any chance I can get my room keys and settle in? I've had a rough day.

Charlie: Of course. Here's your keys, and your room is 120. Your first session will be tomorrow at 10am, ok?

Y/N: Yeah, sounds uh, great.

As you start walking to your room, Vaggie blocks your path.

Vaggie: I don't know what your goal is here, but you better not hurt Charlie or do anything to hurt this hotel.

You give a slight smirk to her.

Y/N: Why I would never! I have only the best of intentions!

She growls in response and you walk past her.

Y/N: (under your breath) not like I want to be here.

You open the door to your room. It's dingy, poorly lit, dirty. But hey at least the bed is made? You let out a sigh and throw yourself onto the bed.

Y/N: Just how long will I have to stay here and pretend I like these people? I guess it's not like I miss being at home.

You move yourself under the sheets and close your eyes. This is surely going to be the start of a rough time in your life.

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