22. To protect my friends

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Y/N: Angelic weaponry. Fuck that hurts.

A trickle of black blood runs down your arm.

Kalus: Of course. I intend to fix the mistake I made. Permanently.

The two of you rush at each other, exchanging blows. The pain in your arm getting worse over time. Every blow shoots pain through your arm.

You step back and throw some debris at him. He blocks it this time. You look at him, your breath is heavy and labored.

Kalus rushes you again and slams you into the ground. This time he slams his foot onto your chest, breaking a rib.

You try and push him off, but don't have the strength. The blood loss has finally caught up to you.

Kalus: It's over. You had to have known it would end like this.

Y/N: Fuck (wheeze) you.

Kalus: Hmph. A thorn in my side until the end.

He begins to apply more pressure to your chest. You can't breathe. This is it. You've failed. Everyone else will die to Kalus, and Charlie will be used to serve his purposes.

Failing, your friends dying, Charlie being held prisoner. It all pisses you off. You begin to focus all of your emotions. You have one last move. You didn't have time to test it, so you aren't sure what the consequences are.

Y/N: What....happened to....my mom?

Kalus: Ha, that bitch? She tried to take you away when she learned of my plans for you. So I killed her with my own two hands. Such is the fate of all who cross me.

Your anger swells inside you. You always guessed he may have killed her. But hearing it from him is something else entirely.

You focus all the hatred to feel into your telekinesis. You focus all the energy into your own body. The pressure on your limbs is incredible. You easily lift Kalus off of yourself. 

Kalus: What-


You slam your fist into his stomach so hard it lifts him off the ground. He falls to his knees, gasping for breath. You look down at him, your eyes welling with hate. You bring your leg up and slam it onto his back. Your whole body groans under the stress your putting on it.

The fight turns into a one sided ass kicking. The next 10 minutes are you beating Kalus senseless. All the other fighting has ceased. Everyone now fixated on the brutality you're showing Kalus. 

Cherry: I know he has Daddy issues, but damn.

Charlie: What's happening? Let me through.

Charlie pushes her way through the crowd to see you pummeling Kalus's unmoving body. She gasps, tears forming in her eyes. 

Charlie: Y/N...please stop...

You stop your fist just as it's about to make contact with him. You look down at him, his breathing is ragged. You've never seen him look so pathetic. You quickly pull out an angelic pistol and aim it at his head.

Y/N: It would be so easy. One bullet and you'd be gone forever. You wouldn't be able to hurt anyone ever again. 

Kalus: Do it then. I won't beg.

You hand starts to shake. This has to happen, right? If he doesn't die, he'll try and come for Charlie again. A soft hand touches yours. You look to see Charlie.

Charlie: You don't have to do this. You've already won. 

Y/N: But he'll keep coming back.

???: Not if I have anything to say about it.

You turn and see a tall intimidating figure in a white suit. 

Charlie: Dad?

Y/N: Wait, dad?

Lucifer: That's right. I appreciate you helping my daughter with this....thing. As for him (points to Kalus), I can assure you you'll never see him again.

Y/N: But, why not step in sooner? Why wait until just now to help?

Lucifer: Simple. I wanted to see if the man my daughter loves was worthy. You did great, kid. 

He gives you a wink.

Kalus: Before I go, tell me. How? How did you get so strong?

Y/N: Not that you'd ever understand, but...them. My friends. Charlie. To protect everything she's worked so hard to build. 

Kalus: That's it? No drive for yourself? Only to serve others?

Y/N: Kind of, I guess. My drive is to help Charlie grow this hotel. To help her ambitions bear results. Making her happy makes me happy. 

Kalus: Such a waste. Think of what you could become. What you could achieve with such power.

Y/N: Not interested.

You start to walk away from him. 

Lucifer: Kalus old friend, I feel as though we're going to have a fun time. 

Both of them disappear after he says this. You look at the remnants of Kalus's forces.

Y/N: The fuck are you all here for still? Kalus is gone, go home.

They looked amongst themselves before quickly disbanding. With a heavy sigh you walk over to Charlie. Your legs get weak and you fall forward. You land in a warm embrace.

Charlie: I got you sweetie. You can relax now. 

Y/N: Are you ok? Were you safe during all of this?

Charlie: (giggle) Of course you'd ask if I'm ok and not worry about yourself. I'm fine. 

Vaggie: Seriously, you need to worry about yourself for the moment. We need to clean that knife wound.

Blitzo: Well as touching as this is, we've got other shit to do. Some old shitbag that needs killing. 

M&M: It was nice meeting you.

Loona: Bye or whatever.

They pile into a van and speed off. What an odd bunch of people. You turn to the hotel. It's riddled with scorch marks and bullet holes. 

Allistor: No need to be so glum! With a little elbow grease we'll get this fixed in a jiffy!

Y/N: Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the assist by the way. We would've been fucked without you.

Allistor: No need for thanks! Just repay me by providing me with more entertainment!

You laugh to yourself. You finally have a home, friends, love. You fought to protect what you care about. With a feeling of pride and happiness, you walk back to the hotel together. The future feels a bit brighter.

A/N: HOLY SWEET FUCK IT'S DONE. I feel so many mixed emotions being done with this one. The feedback and comments from all of you has been absolutely amazing. I really hope you all enjoy my future stories, there's bound to be something that makes you "Cod clammit that's a good book". 

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