18. Unlikely allies

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The sounds of battle ring out around me. My friends are all trying their best to hold their own against Kauls's soldiers. I frantically make my way through the hotel, looking for Charlie. I check her room and she's not there. The roof maybe? I push my body to it's limits, running as fast as I can. 

Y/N: Charlie? Are you here?

Kalus: Well, if it isn't my insolent pup. Looking for someone?

He cackles and moves to the side, revealing Charlie. She's bound and gagged, staring at me with tears streaking down her pale cheeks. Anger swells within me as I stare Kalus in the eyes.

Y/N: You aren't getting away with this. I'll never let you take her.

Kalus: Your welcome to try and stop me. We both know how that will go, though.

I rush him and throw a punch. He catches my arm and drives a blade into my gut. I feel my strength quickly leave me.

Y/N: P-poison?

Kalus: Honestly, you really are such a waste. All the time spent here made you weak. But I suppose in the end you served your purpose. 

I fall to the ground, struggling to breathe. I use what little strength I have to look up at Charlie. I can hear her muffled screams as Kalus picks her up and walks away with her. My chest suddenly feels heavy. My vision blurs. I feel so lethargic, I can't even draw another breath in. 




Y/N: (sharp inhale)

I shoot up out of bed. I'm covered in a cold sweat. I look to my right and see Charlie sleeping peacefully next to me. I reach out and gently touch her face, making sure she's real and this isn't a dream. She moans lightly and snuggles into my hand. I let out a relieved sigh and lay back down. I need to get some more allies. I'll ask around when everyone wakes up.

Charlie: You okay hun? I saw you wake up suddenly. Did you have a bad dream?

Y/N: Yeah. It made me realize that we need more allies for when Kalus attacks. As it stands now we have no chance of holding them back, let alone winning. 

Charlie: Hmmm, I know some people who might be able to help. 

Y/N: Really? I'm shocked that you'd know someone like that. Who is it?

Charlie: A group that kills people for money. Don't ask how I know them.

Y/N: ...I don't even know what to say to that. I'll try and see what I can do on my end. Thank you love.

Charlie: Of course. I've seen first hand how Kalus is. If your certain he'll come back for me then we'll definitely need more help.

I get up and put some clothes on. Angel is probably my best bet given how much he enjoys fighting. Maybe that girl he helped with that turf war? I make my way to his room and knock. There's a slight shuffling, followed by loud swearing. The door promptly swings open.

Angel: Whaaaaaaaaat? it's so early.

Y/N: Angie, can you get in touch with that girl you fought alongside on the news? Would she be willing to help defend this place?

Angel: I guess I can call in a favor. You really think your old man is coming back for Charlie, huh?

Y/N: Yeah. There's no way he just gives up.

Angel: Fair enough. I'll get her to help, but you owe me for this.

He winks. A shiver runs down my spine and I shake my head.

Y/N: Don't let Charlie hear you flirt with me. It probably won't end well for you.

Angel: Ah come on. It was just a joke. I wouldn't consider getting between you two. Catch ya later!

Angel heads out to get his friend. I still don't like our chances. Even with added forces we will still be wildly out numbered. I probably won't be available to help with the bulk of the forces either. Kalus will be the biggest threat, and I can't risk anyone else going after him. I head down to the lobby, thinking how best to barricade the building.

Blitzo: Hey, you must be Y/N! The names Blitzo, but the "o" is silent!

Y/N: What "o"?

Blitzo: Exactly! I like you already.

Loona: Can you not be so fucking annoying for two seconds Blitzo? We're crashing here for a bit. Charlie called and said you guys need some extra security. I'm Loona, by the way. The two imps are Millie and Moxxie.

Moxxie: I'm quite capable of introducing myself! It's a pleasure to meet you.

Millie: And I'm Millie! So, did you really sleep with the princess?

Moxxie: Millie!

Moxxie: What? Like your not curious?

He looks like he's about to say something, but then let's it go. I laugh and shake my head. What an odd group of people. I'm shocked Charlie knows them. 

Y/N: Let me help you all get settled in. But be ready, I feel like things could go south any day now.

Soon. It has to be soon. At this point he's had plenty of time to scout the hotel and make a plan. I just hope that we're ready.


HOLY SHIT I HAVEN'T POSTED SINCE JANUARY. New job, starting college, and doctor visits have fucking ruined my free time. But I promise I haven't abandoned my stories. Thank you all for taking the time to read what I put on here <3!

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