5. Movie date?

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Y/N: (yawn) Morning Charlie.

You shuffle into the kitchen and pour yourself some coffee. Charlie always has a pot ready.

Charlie: Good morning! Any plans for the day?

Y/N: Nah, you?

Charlie: Nope!

There's a slightly awkward silence. You should ask her to hang out.

Y/N: Say Charlie. Since we both seem to be free, do you wanna hang out?

Charlie: Sure! Anything in mind?

Y/N: Not really. I uh, don't really "do things".

Charlie: (giggles) Right. Hmmmm. How about a movie?

Y/N: Yeah sure, why not?

Her giggle makes you blush a little. What is it about this girl that flusters you?

Charlie: Great! I'll go get ready and find out what's playing!

She happily skips out of the room. You let out a sigh. You need to keep it together. None of this means anything to you.

Angel: Sooooo, looks like you got a hot date.

You jump in shock.

Y/N: Fuck! What do you mean?

Angel: Don't be coy! Charlie. You. The movies?

Y/N: Ah, you heard that. Not a date. Just two friends hanging out.

Angel: HA! As if I didn't see how excited she was or you turnin red.

You go to respond, but stop. You just sigh and shake your head.

Y/N: I doubt she thinks that. We barely know each other. Also, how would I know if I have feelings for her?

Angel: Wow, you really are clueless. Do you like spending time with her? Feel sad when she's gone? Her touch makes you all tingly? If so ya probably like her.

You've certainly felt tingly from her touching you. But do you like spending time with her? Or feel sad when you can't see her anymore?

Y/N: Thanks Angel. That's actually helpful.

You clean your cup and ealk away.

Angel: You're welcome!

You go upstairs and change into some normal clothes. You head downstairs and see Charlie. She's wearing her usual red suit. Yet, something feels different.

Y/N: Hey Charlie. Ready to go?

She nods.

Charlie: Yup! Let's go!

You smile and head out.

Charlie: So I'm not familiar with any of these movies. I picked on at random.

Y/N: Sounds good. I haven't watched a movie in so long.

Charlie: You go to watch movies? You made it sound like you weren't allowed to be around art in any form.

Y/N: I mean, it was just war movies. And actual field footage. All training, not for fun.

She frowns a little.

Charlie: Well we're gonna fix that! 2 tickets please!

Charlie says enthusiastically. She puts the money on the counter.

The person working the counter slides some tickets to you.

Charlie: Yay! Let's get some snacks then get settled in!

Y/N: Lead the way princess.

You wait silently in line. Charlie gets pop corn and a soda. You buy yourself a soda as well. You make your way into the show room, and it's empty.

Y/N: Packed house for this one, eh?

Charlie: Haha, yeah. Makes me wonder if the movie is any good. Feel free to have some of this popcorn. I'm not gonna eat it all.

Y/N: Who knows? Let's find out I guess.

You groan through the ads. None of these movies seem interesting.

The movie starts, you're already struggling to pay attention. The plot seems to be that a princess and a commoner fall in love.

Ridiculous. As if a princess would marry for love. Never happens. The commoner is forced to flee after their love is thrust out into the open.

Charlie: What do you think so far?

Y/N: Seems kind of unbelievable. Don't Royalty usually marry for wealth or power?

Charlie: That's what makes it romantic! Saying no to destiny for the person you care about.

Y/N: I suppose that's endearing.

Now, the commoner returns to take the princess away for their happily ever after. You reach down to grab some popcorn when you feel.... a hand?

You look over and, unsurprisingly, it's Charlie's hand. You notice she blushing, which makes you blush.

Y/N: I'm so sorry, let me-

Charlie: It's fine, no need to apologize.

The music picks up on the movie, causing you to look back. The two main characters lean in and kiss.

You look back to Charlie and notice you're still holding her hand. You can't get over how soft it is. It seems so delicate.

Charlie: Hey Y/N. What do you think about me?

Y/N: I think you're nice. It's admirable to go so far out of your way to make others happy.

She shakes her head.

Charlie: No, I mean about me.

Y/N: I-I, uh. Well you. But uh. You make me feel odd. I become flustered easily because of you. Your touch makes me feel tingly all over. I don't know what it is, but it's...... nice.

Charlie: I'm glad to hear that. I feel the same about you.

You slowly lean in towards her, your heartbeat racing. Her perfume is a fairly simple sweet vanilla. It's warm and makes you relax.

You can feel her warm breath on your lips. You look into her eyes right as your lips meet and BEEP BEEP BEEP!

You shoot awake in your room. It was all just a dream. You slam your fist onto your clock. This place must be making you soft, to have a dream like that.

Y/N: Why can't I stop thinking about her. Ugh.

You fall back onto your bed and fall back asleep, hoping to return to the dream.

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