13. The fires of war

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A week has passed since you went and saved Charlie from your dad. Thankfully your injuries weren't too severe so you healed reasonably fast. You're in the living room area spending time with Alastor and Vaggie. Charlie is busy with some new patrons of the hotel.

Alastor: So, you've made an enemy of your father have you? An interesting choice! I can't wait to see how this plays out!

Vaggie: Can you take anything seriously?

Alastor: Probably not!

You laugh a little at their argument. It's nice to be able to spend some time with them. You've come to really appreciate their company.

Y/N: You know, it's been pretty quiet overall today. Has anyone seen Angel?

Vaggie: He went to the city hours ago. Hopefully he isn't doing anything to hurt the hotels reputation any more than he already has.

The doors to the hotel open up and a shadowy figure shuffles in. After a few steps they fall over. You and Vaggie rush over to check on them. To both of your surprise, it's a very badly beaten Angel.

Vaggie: What the fuck? Angel, are you ok?

Angel: Yeah never better.

Y/N: Who did this to you?

Angel looks up at you, hesitant to speak. You know in a heartbeat. Valentino. It has to be.

Y/N: Is it Valentino again? Angel please tell me.

Angel says nothing and looks away from you. You stand up and head for the front door.

Vaggie: Y/N, please don't do be too hasty. It could've been anyone. 

Y/N: I won't do anything to hurt the Hotels image, I promise. But I'm not gonna let that shit get away with this.

You make your way to the city. You know where one of Valentino's strip clubs is located. You arrive at the club and go to walk in. The bouncers stop you.

Bouncer: Slow down there buddy.

You growl and slam him against the building. A look of fear comes into their eyes.

Y/N: I'd go home and take the day off if I were you. I guarantee this job isn't worth it.

The demon nods and runs off. You walk into the club and look around. The place is packed. You need to think of a way to get these people out of here. Maybe a direct approach. You get up to the stage and cut the music. You turn to the crowd. Your eyes are glowing.

Y/N: (low voice) Get. The. Fuck. Out. The buildings about to be "remodeled".

Random Demon: Hey, I've waited all day to see some strippers get naked.

Y/N: Go somewhere else. Whether your in here or not, this place is coming down.

You pull some explosives out of your jacket. The demons all get up and rush the exit. As you start throwing them around a demon approaches you.

Club Boss: Listen here bitch. This club is owner by Valentino. You don't wanna fuck with-

Y/N: No. Your boss is the one that shouldn't have fucked with my friends. Get the fuck out of here, and tell him to leave Angel alone. This is his only warning.

The demon scoffs and reaches for a gun. You rush him and slam your fist into his stomach. The demon drops to their knees. You drag them outside of the building, throwing them onto the sidewalk. You pull a detonator out and squeeze the trigger. The building explodes, sending shrapnel everywhere.

You turn to the demon, grabbing the collar of its shirt.

Y/N: You make sure to tell Valentino what I said. Angel isn't his property.

You throw them back to the ground and walk away. You get back to the hotel, Angel and the others are on the couch.

Angel: (worried) Y/N! Please say you didn't do anything.

Y/N: I would never. I just asked him nicely to leave you alone is all.

Angel: I don't believe you. I don't want any of you getting hurt because of me.

Charlie: I'm sure it won't come to that. I'm sure we can work things out.

Y/N: She's right. Don't worry about it Angel.

You know that Valentino is going to co.e for you. You'll take care of him when he does though. He made a mistake attacking Angel. You won't let him live to regret it.

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