10. Loss

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You rush into the building, looking frantically for Charlie. You see Angel Dust and run up to him.

Y/N: Angel, where's Charlie? Have you seen her?

Angel: Yeah, just walked by here in tears. The hell did you do?

You run past him upstairs. You go check her room, she isn't there. Think, where would she be if not here? 





You make your way to the roof access as quick as you can, only to see Vaggie by the door.

Vaggie: YOU. What the FUCK did you do to Charlie?

She points her spear at you.

Y/N: It was a misunderstanding. Vaggie please, I need to talk to her. 

She takes a moment to think before sighing and lowering her spear.

Vaggie: Fine. Don't make me regret this.

You nod and walk past her. Opening the door, you can hear Charlie crying quietly. It makes your heart hurt.

Y/N: Charlie....I....

Charlie: Save it. Guess I read into our relationship wrong. I should've never even considered it. You're just a patient.

Y/N: Please just listen to me. What happened was an accident-

Charlie: WHAT? An accident? So you just tripped and accidentally kissed her?

Charlie's horns elongate and her eyes turn red. It's actually kind of terrifying. You lose track of what you were saying and just stand there.

Charlie: Just leave. Please. I need to be alone.

You stand for a moment, looking at Charlie. Is this really how it ends? You try to say something but no words come out. Tears start rolling down your cheek.

Y/N: (weakly) I'm sorry.

Charlie looks up to you shocked. You turn and leave, walking silently past Vaggie. How in the fuck did everything turn out like this? Why couldn't you just say something to Charlie? You leave the hotel and walk into the city. After aimlessly wandering for what you assume is a little over an hour you decided to pull out your phone.

You take a deep breath as you scroll through your contacts. You need to call your dad and tell him what's happened. 

Kalus: Finally! Tell me you have something worthwhile for me?

Y/N: No sir. My situation has been compromised. I'm no longer welcome at the hotel.

Kalus: .....(sigh) You want something done right, do it yourself. Don't show your face to me again.

He hangs up, leaving you all alone. You have nothing now. No dad, no hotel, no Charlie. You sit in the alley and sob. It would've been better if you had never gone to that damn hotel. Never started to give a shit about people. Never fallen in love with Charlie. 

After having some time to think, you realize something your dad said was alarming. 

Kalus: "If you want something done right, do it yourself."

There's no way he'd be so brazen to kidnap Charlie. You stand up, the gravity of the situation hitting you. You have to go back, just to make sure. Worst case you have to deal with an awkward moment with Charlie. You do need to get your stuff anyways. 

You sprint faster than you ever have before. If he does mean to take her, that means everyone there is in danger. You know exactly how ruthless your dad can be. You see the hotel in the distance, and everything seems fine on the outside. You pause for a moment on the front door, then open it.

The lobby area is a mess. Tables and chairs strewn about, the walls have slashes and bullet holes in them. Fuck, you were too busy feeling bad for yourself to have been any help. You start looking around for any injured people. Moving further into the lobby you see Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husker, and Alastor.

Vaggie: YOU! This is all YOUR fault!

She rushes at you and punches you.

Y/N: Vaggie, please. I had no idea my dad would-

Vaggie: BULLSHIT. Your dad told us EVERYTHING. The whole shitty plan to make Charlie fall for you. To use your relationship as leverage for him to gain more power. You know, Charlie really liked you.

Y/N: He was right. That was the plan. But-

Vaggie punches you again. You spit out some blood. 

Y/N: Let me finish. Please. "Was" is the operative term here. After all the time I spent with her, I actually developed feelings for her. Hell, if it weren't for her I wouldn't even know how to feel.

Vaggie starts to cry.

Vaggie: Then why...why didn't you warn us...

Y/N: I didn't know. That's why I came back, to make sure nothing was wrong. I know where he would've taken her. And I'm going to get her back.

Vaggie: So you want me to believe you care? After all of this? 

Y/N: I won't try and make you think anything. But I will promise you that I'm going to get her back. Because regardless of what you or anyone else believe, I love her. And I refuse to let my pile of shit old man hurt or use her.

Vaggie just looks at you shocked. You turn to leave when you feel a hand on your arm. You turn to see Vaggie crying.

Vaggie: I'm holding you to that promise. She better be ok.

You nod as you leave the hotel. After this, you'll be enemies with you father. He'll definitely make an effort to come after you and Charlie both. You psyche yourself up and get ready for a brutal fight. 

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