20. A siege

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I roll around restlessly in my bed. Looking over at the clock, I groan as it reads 04:00 am. I've gotten very little sleep these past few days. The impending assault is weighing heavy on my mind. The size of our forces compared to what Kalus has leaves us wildly outnumbered. The one trump card we could have, being Alastor, has decided to remain a neutral party. Something about it being more fun to watch us struggle. 

Y/N: Guess I'll go make some coffee. Not like I'm getting any sleep. 

I make my way down to the kitchen and start getting things ready. As the coffee machine starts to whir to life I look out the window. The bright red pentagram in the sky stares back at me. It's glow is hauntingly beautiful. Have I made the right choices regarding this whole situation? Is this happiness something that I deserve? What will the cost be to those around me for pursuing it? 

Even if we manage to come out of this victorious, how many of us will be alive? Or without a major injury? Am I to blame for it, or is my father? Sure it's easy to blame him. But if I hadn't disobeyed him nobody would've been hurt. All this thinking is starting to make my head hurt.

Charlie: Y/N...Are you ok? You haven't been sleeping well lately have you?

I turn to see her typically smiling face replaced with a worried frown. My heart aches seeing her like this.

Y/N: Hey Charlie. Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been wondering if...if I'm doing the right thing. Is my happiness really worth putting everyone in danger? I'm just worried about our friends getting hurt over something that stemmed from a decision I made.

I feel one of Charlie's slender hands brush my cheek. She gently pulls my head down and kisses me. My arms instinctively wrap around her. My fingers dig into her shirt. As if she would vanish if I loosened my grip. She pulls back and stares me in the eyes.

Charlie: Everyone is here because they want to be. Because they care about you. They all know the situation, and the danger involved. We've done what we can to prepare. It's too late to back out now, so we have to go into this with no regrets. 

Y/N: You're right. Thank you, Charlie. Want some coffee? It should be ready pretty soon. 

Charlie: Sure! I'd love some.

This might be one of the last few moments we get to spend like this. I have to enjoy it as much as possible. It almost feels like I'm being spoiled getting to be around her every day. 

Angel: What a touching moment. Mind if I ruin it?

Charlie and I look at each other and smile.

Y/N: I'll grab you a cup.

Before I know it everyone has gathered in the kitchen. Laughing, joking, enjoying this moment of calm. 

Millie: So, how did you two meet then? I've been wonderin ever since we got here.

Y/N: Well, I guess in a way you could say my dad introduced us. It's honestly a long story. But if you really want to know...

The look on her face says everything. She absolutely wants to know. I sigh. I tell her about how my dad sent me here to try and get Charlie to fall for me so he could use her for political gain, how I slowly developed feelings for her, how my dad tried to take her by force and how I saved her

Millie: Wow, that's one hell of a story!

I go to respond, but freeze up. It's very faint, but unmistakable. The sound of hundreds of demons marching. My face flushes as I begin to sweat. I feel a hand gently touch me. It's Charlie. She has a very worried expression.

Charlie: You OK sweetie?

Y/N: They're here.

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