14. Final showdown

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It's currently 6 pm. The hotel is quiet, with no new clients coming to stay. You're in the living room with Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel. The group is brainstorming ways to attract more people to the hotel.

Charlie: I say we do a commercial with a catchy song!

Y/N: I don't think that will work, hun. Most people here wouldn't be swayed by something like that.

Vaggie: He brings up a good point. You tried that during you interview, and it didn't work.

Charlie: (frown) Yeaaaaah, fair enough.

Angel: Maybe we can offer things people want?

Vaggie: What, like booze and drugs? This is a place to rehabilitate sinners. Not make their addictions worse.

Y/N: I mean, Angel may be on to something. What if you did offer if, but slowly weened them off of it? It'd be easier than expecting them to quit cold turkey.

Vaggie: Huh. That's actually a good idea. Set up a structured plan to make sure they can't take advantage. 

Charlie: I'll think about it. I really don't want to do anything that would compromise what I'm trying to do.

You all continue sharing ideas for how to bring people in. You fall silent as you hear a car pull up. You hear the faint sound of weapons being loaded. 


You grab Charlie and fall to the floor. Everyone else follows with confused looks. A moment later bullets tear through the windows. Bits of glass and wood are sent through the air. It has to be Valentino. Kalus wouldn't call an attack like this. You do your best to shield Charlie from the debris.

The gunfire finally ceases and you hear car doors close. You peek up through the window and and see an unmarked car pulling away. 

Mobster: Valentino sends his regards.

The vehicle peels away from the hotel. Rage fills your body, as you walk back to the group.

Y/N: Everyone ok? 

Angel: I'm good. Not the first or last time I'll be shot at.

Vaggie: I'm fine too. I didn't get hit by anything.

Charlie: I-I'm fine. (sniff) Why would someone do that?

Y/N: It's Valentino. It must be because of losing Angel. I won't let this stand.

You stand up, prepared to go settle things with Valentino. Charlie grabs your hand. You can feel her shaking.

Charlie: Y/N, please don't do anything brash. Wouldn't it be better to not retaliate?

Y/N: I'm sorry Charlie. But this won't stop unless I stop it. That's just how Overlords are. He has to show that he isn't weak. I have to do this.

You walk to the front door and sigh. You promised Charlie you wouldn't kill anyone again. It doesn't feel good to go back on your word. But you have to do this to keep them safe. Even if Charlie resents you for it. You start the walk to Valentino's main club. That's certainly where he'll be holed up.

No stealth this time. You're just going to break down the front door and take out anyone who stands in your way. You'll try and keep casualties as low as possible however. Opting to knock his underlings out rather than kill them. You arrive at the club, and the line to get in is blocks long. 

You approach the guard at the entrance and punch him, knocking him out. You turn to the very confused crowd.

Y/N: I'd suggest going somewhere else tonight. I'm about to burn this fucker to the ground.

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