17. Preperation

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It's been a month since my fight with Valentino. Every day I worry about when Kalus will come for Charlie. I've been training to keep myself sharp for when he comes. But what about my telekinesis?

That could really be a deciding factor in the fight. I can use it a bit better than I used to, but still not well enough to use it in combat. It would be far easier if I had someone to spar with. Maybe Vaggie would be willing to help.

I make my way to the lobby where Vaggie is sitting on the couch.

Y/N: Hey, I have a favor.

Vaggie: Oh? What's up?

Y/N: Kalus could come for Charlie any day now. I need to get stronger to keep her safe. Can you spar with me?

Vaggie: Not what I was expecting. But sure. 

We make our way outside behind the building. 

Y/N: Let's start with hand to hand. Then we can move to close range weapons.

Vaggie nods and and we begin sparring. She's quite skilled, keeping pace with me. We go for 3 hours before we take a break. I sit down and drink some water from a bottle. I look over to Vaggie, her chest is rising and falling rapidly. Maybe I went too hard?

Y/N: Are you even going to have the energy to practice more? 

Vaggie: Shut...up...how are you...not tired?

Y/N: My whole life was about training to kill things, remember? Wouldn't make much sense if I got tired easily. Stamina is essential.

Vaggie: Still, you don't seem even a little fatigued. I'm going to rest for a bit. Train alone for a bit.

Y/N: (sigh) Fine.

I get up and breath deeply. I use my telekinesis to slowly lift up a weight. It's 100 lbs, and I struggle to lift it.  I lose my control and it slams back to the ground. Sweat drips from my face. I've made an improvement over where I used to be. At one point I struggled to lift a fraction of that weight. 

Vaggie: So, you're 100% sure Kalus is coming?

Y/N: Yes. He needs Charlie for his plans. There's no way he'll stop unless he's dead.

Vaggie: I just don't get it. What does he hope to accomplish by kidnapping her?

Y/N: He thinks that he can use her as a bargaining chip to overthrow lucifer. He thinks hell should be more like a military state.

Vaggie: But Lucifer could just kill him, couldn't he?

Y/N: I'm not so sure. If Kalus is so set on this, there has to be a reason for it. He's got something up his sleeve that will give him an edge.

Vaggie sighs and looks worried which is understandable. I go back to lifting weights with my telekinesis. Every time I try and hold it longer than I was able to previously. I keep going until every last ounce of my strength is used up.  


I fall to the ground, breathing heavily. I'm not used to feeling this exhausted. It's oddly satisfying knowing that there's something about myself that can be improved, and seeing it do just that. I close my eyes, enjoying my break.

Charlie: Well someone's sure working out hard. I brought you some water!

I laugh a little and give a big smile. I'm convinced this woman is an angel. 

Y/N: Thank you Charlie. I really appreciate it.

I open my eyes and look directly into hers. Her beautiful eyes make me blush. She giggles and leans down, kissing my forehead. It sends a shock through my whole body.

Charlie: What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't after seeing how hard you've been working? Especially since it's for my sake. Are you sure there's not a less violent way to deal with your da....I mean Kalus?

Y/N: No Charlie, there isn't. You saw exactly how he is when he captured you. What he's willing to do to achieve his goals. All I can say is that I'll try my best not to kill him. I'll just try and incapacitate him. But I can't make any promises. 

Charlie: I wish it didn't have to be like this. That we could just live here happily, helping others work towards redemption like you have. 

Y/N: Me too dear. You really picked the wrong guy to be around for that. 

Charlie: I'd never think that about you. I love you just as you are! 

Y/N: I-I love you too.

I drink some water and stand back up. I stretch out, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. I slap my face with both hands and begin training again. I have to do this, to keep everyone safe. Not just Charlie anymore. I won't let Kalus have his way, I won't let him ruin what Charlie has worked so hard to achieve.

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