Chapter 3: I Could Wait, Right?

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The show the night before went smoothly, we were papped when leaving, to which Harry quickly addressed them, letting them know he really just wanted to enjoy his night out with friends.


I couldn't help how it stung just a bit. I didn't know how long it would take until we could be together peacefully, and I didn't feel like pushing it further. I knew my feelings were heightened because of loosing my mom, but I hated feeling like Olivia was still winning even without being here anymore.

I woke up early the next morning and made us breakfast. I made poached eggs on avocado toast and attempted at using the French press Harry had stored away.

Becca was the first to wake up, rubbing the sleep away as she plopped on the breakfast nook bench.

"I need. Caffeine." I couldn't help but laugh. I put out the cream and sugar then served her a small cup.

"Let me know how it tastes, I've never used one of these before."

She nodded and prepped her coffee, taking a small sip, "It's actually not bad. A little strong, but not bad."

"What's not bad?" Harry asked, padding his way over to us, before wrapping his arms around me, planting a big kiss on my lips.

I giggled softly as he pulled away, "The coffee. I used your French press, I've never used one before." I smiled softly as he held me analyzing the breakfast.

"I forgot I had that even, but I'm in dire need. How am I barely feeling jet lagged? We've been here four days." He let go of me stretching and grabbing a cup of coffee for himself.

He walked over sitting next to Becca and adding cream and sugar, "I agree." She added, taking another sip, "Well imma take my breakfast in the bedroom so I can get ready. We have to leave in like, thirty to make it there early, okay?"

Harry and I both nodded as she took her food and headed to her room. Harry took a sip of the coffee and raised an eyebrow, very Maggie like and I could help but laugh, "Is it that bad?"

"No Mags, it's just, strong. We will for sure be awake." I giggled and poured myself a cup, walking over and adding cream and sugar.

"Can you grab the plates so we can get ready? Let's not upset Becca, I'll clean up when we get back."

"Wait, you aren't going to clean? Right this second? You are going to leave the kitchen dirty? Are you feeling okay baby?" I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

"Maggie baby, we don't have time for you to be feeling unwell and seducing me at the same time." He called out and all we heard was an "eww" from Becca's room causing us both to burst out into laughter.

Becca and I held our spot in front of Buckingham Palace while Harry, as promised ran to get coffee and pastries. Eventually he made his way back over to us.

"I bring tea, because I figured it was better after that coffee we drank and some chocolate croissants."

"Thank you baby." I smiled taking it from him. As he handed Becca hers a couple girls came over, giddy as ever.

"Excuse me, are you Harry Styles?" The tallest of the three said.

He smiled softly, "If you can keep a secret, then I am."

They covered their mouth holding back squeals, and nodded, "Well then, I am. How's your morning ladies?"

He put on such a charming smile for them, and I couldn't help but smile as I sipped my tea.

"Great! Are you here with Olivia?" They giggled to each other, and I turned my body slightly away from them, facing Becca, who gave me a pity smile.

"Uhh, no, just here with my friends. Actually. That's Matilda over there." I felt my face flush and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

His fans had speculated about who I was for a while after that concert, and some of that speculation is what led to just sticking to the friends story. Fans, had a way with words that weren't always the nicest.

"The Matilda." One of them squealed softly.

"Mhm, right Matilda?"

I turned over my shoulder at them, and smiled softly, "Hi." My voice cracking as I looked down at my shoes.

"Can we get a picture with both of you?" One asked, and I turned to look at Harry unsure of what to do or say.

"Not today, okay ladies? I'm trying to keep it low key, so my friends here don't get bombarded by the press, alright?"

They nodded, "Of course Harry, thank you for talking to us."

He nodded and hugged them quickly before waving them off.

He turned to me and smiled softly, "Sorry about that."

"No, it was fine." I looked down at my tea, blowing softly into the sipping slit.

"Maggie, I can tell your bothered, and I can't exactly hug you right now, I don't know how else to comfort you."

I turned to him and smiled softly, "Harry. I know what I signed up for remember? You waited, a month. I can wait a month, or two."

I turned back to face the palace, chewing on my lower lip softly, without saying another word.

I could wait, right?

Gemma met up with us after the changing of the guard, so that Becca and her could go shopping.

"So what are the love birds going to do." Gemma teased and I smiled softly, looking over at Harry.

"Not sure yet, but we I'll figure it out." Harry said. His tone heavy.

Gemma raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly looked away.

"Well then, we will see you both later, Haz don't forget, moms making roast."

Harry nodded and Becca quickly hugged me, whispering in my ear, "Just chill, okay?" I nodded as she pulled away and we waved them off.

"What would you like to do?" He asked me, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Whatever you think is safe. I'd love to see Big Ben and all that. Even if we have to see it again with Becks. We can get on one of those Big Bus tours. I always love doing those in New York."

"Okay, let me find tickets." He said pulling out his phone and quietly scrolling through it.

"Harry." I said quietly, wanting to touch his hand so badly.

"Hmm." He said, not looking up from his phone.

"I'm sorry for, I'm just sorry." I looked down, closing my eyes and shaking my head.

"You just act like this is only hard on you. As if I don't want to constantly be touching you. Holding you. Kissing you." His voice was laced with hurt and anger.

"I know. I'm sorry." I peeked up at him, but his eyes were still glued to the phone, "We can just go home, if you want."

He scoffed and looked up at me, "Maggie, I want to enjoy this trip with you. I want to take you sightseeing. I want to be near you in whatever way I can. I can't do that if you take every tiny incident to heart." 

I inhaled sharply and nodded, "You're right. I'm sorry." I looked away from him and stared back at the palace. He finished buying the tickets and stuck his hands in his coat pockets.

"Come on, one leaves five minutes from here." We walked quietly to the stop.

We got on a bus that was thankfully not as full and made our way up the top of the bus. We sat in the back and plugged in our headphones. I sat closest to the edge of bus, looking out quietly, when I felt his hand slip over mine, squeezing it softly. I turned and looked at him, and he mouthed "I love you." I nodded and mouthed it back, before he threw the bottom flap of  his coat over our hands, interlacing our fingers.

I could wait. For him, I could wait.

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