Chapter 9: Wilde Lies

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I woke up the next day close to noon, and was thankful I no longer had a headache. I reached for my phone, and opened up a message from Becca.

B: Gem invited me to breakfast and Anne wants me to help make our dinner for later. Hope you're okay, ily.

M: Have fun. I'm alright, sorry I ran out. Ily.

I placed my phone back on the dresser and dragged myself slowly out of bed. I looked down at Harry's sweater and pulled it up to my nose. Smelling his signature woodsy vanilla musk on it.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and think of the first time I realize I noticed his scent. How embarrassed I felt. I swallowed hard, hoping with everything in me, he didn't hate me.

I made my way out to the living room and it was empty. The blanket Harry had clearly been using was folded neatly, with the pillow laying on top.

I bit my lip and made my way into the kitchen to make myself coffee. I was surprised to see the French press already out with coffee steeping in it. Next to it was a single white daisy and a hand written note. Instantly I recognized the writing. Harry.


I went for a run, and if my instincts are right, you'll be getting up late. The coffee is probably cold, but I figured you can heat it up a bit.

I want you to know, I love you dearly. I don't doubt your love either. I'm sorry I said that.

I called Charles, and he still has no word on your dad.

I have paid your rent for three months while we figure this out. My lawyers are reviewing your moms will, the house, everything. Trying to find a way to make sure you keep the house. I had to go through your phone to get, please don't be mad.

You aren't a burden Maggie. You never could be.  I want to take care of you. I want to be there for you. I have plenty of dirty ways you can pay me back.

Please don't fight me on any of this. I love you.

I covered my mouth and cried quietly.

I sat on the couch watching the newest season of Love Island when Harry finally came home. I peeked over my shoulder at him and when we made eye contact, I mouthed, "I'm sorry." Tears instantly blocking me from speaking.

He walked over and sat next to me pulling me in close. He kissed the top of my head, "Stop apologizing okay? It happened, we move forward. But," he pulled away slightly so he could look at me, "No more hiding things from me. No more running to Charles before me. Not anymore. Please."

I nodded, "I promise."

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead softly before pulling me back in his arms, "Did you see the article?"

"It's out already? No. My phones in the room." I said sitting up as he pulled out his. He opened it up and handed it to me.

Olivia caught in Wilde lie in regards to relationship with Harry Styles.

A source close to the singer states that he never cheated on Olivia. Jealousy on any friendships with females was a constant issue from Olivia, hence the false allegations. Their relationship had been rocky for a while, Olivia not joining him until the final week of his LA Forum residency.

The source states this was the final attempt at saving their relationship and after an intoxicated night in Italy, a kiss was exchanged, but by the next morning, Styles knew the relationship was as done.

Olivia's team has yet to respond.

"Well, this is going to get interesting." I took a deep breath, reading it over again before handing it back to him, "Do you think she's going to bring me into it before you get a chance to?"

"She might. She's smart. I gotta give her that." he said reading over the article himself.

"I'm happy you can clear your name a bit. Plus, like Becca said, the fans don't believe her." I smiled softly.

"I know. I just hope they don't change when you come in the picture." He turned to me and smiled small.

"This trip has really turned into something." I chuckled a bit.

He raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Tell me about it."

"Thank you, for the rent. And the lawyers and, just thank you." I smiled softly.

He nodded and reached over, taking my hand in his. He ran small circles over the top of my hand with his thumb, "Does Becca know?"

I shook my head, "I didn't want to break her heart."

He nodded, "Okay. But, when we get back, I think she should know. Rather than it just being thrown on her last minute."

I nodded, "I know. I was planning on that."

I watched his face, his current expression. He looked stressed. Concern causing small lines in his face I hadn't noticed before. I moved myself on my knees in front of him.

"Baby, what are you doing?" He said sitting up and holding my face.

"I just want to make you feel good." I said searching his eyes.

"Not right now. I'm not, I'm not in the mood baby." I swallowed and nodded. I don't know why I felt such a strong sting of rejection, but deep down I knew I misread the situation. This wasn't something I could fix with sex, and I don't know why my mind even went there.

"Right, no, I don't know what I was thinking." I said standing up, "I'm going to do a small load of laundry, I need somethings for next week. Do you need anything washed?"

He shook his head and I nodded, turning to walk away, he grabbed my wrist softly, "Maggie."

"Yeah." I said not turning to him, "Can we go home early? Is that okay?"

I felt my chest tighten, and I took a deep breath, "Yeah. I'll tell Becca." I pulled my hand from his grip and kept walking towards the bedroom, not looking back.

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