Chapter 18: Plan B

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A month has passed since my dad signed over the house to us. We hadn't heard from him since that day at the restaurant. Harry moved in more officially than what we had originally planned. Half the closet was now his. We bought a new bed, and living room furniture. We slowly made the house our own.

With the house now being mine, Charles and I came to the decision to take a loan against the house to send Becca to college the following year. Though under my name, the amount of money Charles contributed made this house just as much his as it was mine. He stated we would pay it back together, and when the time came to sell it in the future, if we ever did, I would pay him back accordingly.

I sat on the living room floor adding labels to the spice bottles I had ordered. Harry was in the kitchen, figuring out how to put up the spice racks he made me. He had never done something like this, and it definitely took him longer than it would of taken someone else, but he didn't give up. I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach every time I saw him working on it. By the time he had gotten a hang out it, it was coming out beautiful.

"Baby, do you need water or something?" I called out to him, smoothing a label on.

"No babe, I'm fine." He said marking the wall with a pencil, his tongue in between his lips as he concentrated.

"You're like my personal Noah." I giggled playfully.

"Babe, I don't know about building you a house. I mean, I could try, but it might just be a miniature." We both started laughing.

I added the last few labels, and picked up the box I had them all in, carrying them over to the kitchen to start transferring the spices.

Harry got off the counter where he was sitting and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me, "I'm going to miss you next week." He kissed my cheek softly.

"I know baby, but you got your big Marvel table read. That's really exciting. And before you know it, it'll be Christmas and we will back in London celebrating with your family." I smiled, leaning down and kissing his arm.

"And your birthday." He whispered teasingly.

"Yes, yes and that." I rolled my eyes, thankful he couldn't see.

"I don't know why you hate your birthday so much babe."

I leaned my head back on his shoulder, "Who likes to celebrate getting older?"

He kissed the side of my head, "It's not celebrating getting older baby, it's just celebrating another year of possible accomplishments."

I chuckled softly, "True, can't deny that."

Harry moved one hand away from my body picking up an empty spice container, "These are the most Maggie thing I've seen."

I laughed. "What do you mean?"

"Clean, neat, put together looking," he whispered the last part in my ear, "Spicy on the inside."

I couldn't help but crack up, I turned to face him and kissed his chin softly, his stubble tickling my nose slightly, "Harry Styles, you think you're an outright comedian don't you?"

"I don't think love, I know I am." He smirked playfully and I swatted at his chest. He caught my hand and brought it to his lips kissing it softly.

"Did you see the pap pictures from Trader Joe's the other day?" I said as he kissed my hand.

"Yeah, I'm actually glad they got those, I saved a couple." He chuckled.

"Baby, I'll just wait in the car. Really my head is killing me." I pouted at Harry as he opened up my car door.

"Baby, but you know I suck at picking out the right things."

I sighed, saying no to him was so hard, "Baby, please."

"I have an idea, wait here." He left and was back quickly, unbuckling my seatbelt and picking me up, placing me in the cart.

"Harry we are going to get in trouble!" I opened my eyes wide at him.

"Babe, I'm Harry Styles." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me softly before beginning to push me into the store.

I pushed the cart to Shawn Mendes' dressing room and held my stomach as I did. I couldn't shake the nauseous feeling. I knew the chicken looked weird in my bowl from earlier, but I was so hungry I couldn't not eat it.

"Mags, you look green. Are you okay?" Anita said running up to me and taking the cart.

"I think my lunch wasn't good. I thought the chicken looked weird, like it kinda grossed me out." I stopped talking and swallowed hard.

"Go, go to the bathroom, I'll start setting up Shawn's room."

I nodded and turned sprinting down the hall. I didn't even bother closing the stall, I quickly doubled over and began throwing up.

I stayed there for a good ten minutes before Anita came to find me, "Oh Mags, come here." Anita helped me get up and I took a deep breath in.

"I think I need to go home." I said, quickly pushing Anita away as I needed to throw up again.

"Do you want me to call Harry to come get you? I don't think you should be driving."

I nodded, and sat back on the floor, pulling my knees towards me.

We got home and I walked straight to the bedroom, pulling on an oversized shirt and throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I opened up the top drawer of my dresser where I kept my medicine looking for something for my stomach.

I moved everything around, growing frustrated that I might not have something like I thought. Suddenly my eyes moved to the back corner of the drawer, I felt them widen as my heart felt like it stopped. I pulled out the box, staring at how sealed it was. I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling nauseous again. I heard Harry walk in and quickly shoved the box back in the corner.

"Did you find the medicine baby? If not I can go get some. I need to pick up Becca from her friends anyways, she didn't drive and her friend couldn't bring her."

I took a deep breath, "Um, no, I didn't. I guess we used it all. Can you bring me some Tums and anything for the stomach really."

I closed the drawer as he made his way over to me and kissed my forehead softly, "Just relax okay? Call me if anything."

I smiled softly and nodded. As soon as he left, I picked up my phone and called Anita. I knew the concert hadn't started, but I knew she would answer.

"Hey Mags. You feeling better?" She asked, as I could hear her shuffling around.

"Umm, Nita. I.." I bit my lip.

"Maggie? Maggie what's wrong?" She said.

"I, I thought I took Plan B. I....I swore I took it. I only had one box left. And there is a sealed box in my drawer right now."

I heard her stop walking, she stayed silent, "Maggie. You don't think..."

"We've been really reckless lately. More the usual. I..." I felt tears form in my eyes. I really didn't want this right now. No matter how much I loved Harry. It hadn't been that long. I wasn't ready for this.

"I'll buy you a test tomorrow. Okay? I'll bring it to work, or stop by beforehand. Harry goes running in the mornings doesn't he?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he does."

"Okay, I'll call you in the morning. Maggie?"

"Yeah Nita?"

"Don't freak out."

"Okay. I'll try."

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