Chapter 11: The Truth

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Maggie's POV

I walked into HR's office early the next day with Charles at my side. We all sat on one end of a long conference table, print outs of the article in front of us.

"Margarita thank you for joining us this morning, Charles you as well. Now we have spoken to multiple people, and they all have only spoken of a friendship amongst the two of you. I mean you and Harry of course. Each and every single one of the employees stated you and Harry were indeed close, but never anything romantic." The main HR representative said.

"I can vouch the same, in regards to their relationship during the Forum." Charles added.

"And now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"To be fair. She does not have to state her personal life outside of the work environment." Charles spoke before I could say anything.

"Maggie, you know we love you here at the Forum. We know you would never cross a line. But we need the truth. No matter who here at the Forum is willing to vouch for you. We do have your probation on record, to which Charles, you actually signed off on. So we are going to need further clarification."

Harry's POV

"Hello everyone, so as we know. Normally our interviews here, are fun, witty, and never normal. Today. My dear friend Harry Styles, has asked for a place to speak his peace. And I would never deny him that. So everyone, please, a round of applause for Harry Styles." James said addressing his audience.

James Corden was the only person I trusted with. They only person I knew wouldn't switch up the story. Who I knew wouldn't make this a narrative different than the truth.

I walked out to the shocked audience, no one knowing who the guest was, after James last minute switch as a favor to me. I hugged him tight as I finally reached him, and he whispered to me, "You got this."

Maggie's POV

"I can't clarify this further without breaking my NDA. So either you'll fire me for this. Or fire me for breaking my NDA." I said sternly.

"Maggie we don't want to fire you. This morning, we received this email." They slid a couple papers over towards Charles and I, and we began looking them over. Quickly I realized it was Harry and Olivia's contract, "We received this from Harry's manager, pleading for us to not remove you from your position. Stating he could not have been in another relationship while this contract was in place. We just need to be aware of what happened."

Charles and I looked at each other and back to the representative. I took a deep breath and explained everything. The tic tac toe game. The dinner. The events that led to the probation, everything.

Harry's POV

"I need everyone to understand that Olivia's relationship with me, was nothing but work based. And I apologize if I mislead my fan base into thinking it was anything romantic. It wasn't. I hate that now, it has opened a path where I'm being painted as a cheater. Or a horrible person, for simply finding the one person that makes me happy. Someone who has inspired me. Who truly loves me unconditionally."

James nodded, the crowd was silent except a few small whispers, "What about the relationship exactly was work related, when we saw you often out. Holding hands, holding each other."

"It was work. Holding her hand, being affectionate, having to be in a relationship with her, it was all to help a wonderful movie that didn't need this to help it be successful."

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