Chapter 28: Daylily

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I got back from the doctors appointment, rushing in the house to avoid further conversation with Charles as he followed behind me. I walked straight to my room, opening the door and closing it behind me.

I was surprised to find Harry on the bed. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest at the sight of him. He looked so small. He had a frown on his face as he slept, and I bit my lip.

Charles was right. This was had been his child too. Harry had been so excited, and I had been nothing but well, a bitch to him. I walked over, and crawled into the bed slowly, laying on my side facing him. My hand reached up and traced the tattoos on his arm softly, swallowing as I felt tears escape my eyes.

His eyes blinked slightly open, and I moved my gaze away from his. I couldn't look at him for many reasons. I felt so much shame. Like loosing the baby was my fault. My attitude towards him. I couldn't stand to see his pain as well.

"What did the doctor say?" He said softly, a tone I didn't recognize as Harry's.

"I'm done miscarrying. I might still bleed a lot. But, it's done." I bit my lip, more tears filling my eyes.

"Daylily." He said softly.

I peeked my eyes up at him, "What?" I said softly.

"That's her name, Daylily. Lily means innocence and purity. Daylilies are red, orange or yellow, and.....they only last a day." I watched his face as it dropped, I could see the heartbreak in him for the first time so clearly. He sobbed, and I hated that I couldn't move. I couldn't bring myself to him. I just cried. He took my hand in his and held it tight. We cried together. For our sweet, Daylily.

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