Chapter 20: That's My Baby In There

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I laid on the hospital bed, in Harry's arms. He hadn't said much the whole time we were here, but to be fair, neither had I.

I was pregnant. I hadn't lost the baby,  but I also wasn't in the clear. Harry kept randomly kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer to him, even though I didn't think it was possible for us to be closer.

"Harry?" I said softly.

"Yes darling."

"Are you mad at me?" I bit my lip, trying not to cry.

"Baby, no," He adjusted himself so we could look at each other, "I'm just. All of a sudden, I feel this strange. I just. That's my baby, in there." He smiled softly at me, and I bit my lip, feeling so guilty.

"I'm sorry. I should have stayed." I cried softly.

"No, no, stop Maggie. You were freaked out. It's okay. I need you to relax. For this." He said placing his hand on my stomach, "You need to relax for this okay?"

I nodded taking a deep breath and he leaned in and kissed me. It was so gentle, I could feel his love through every movement of his lips. He broke the kiss, kissing me nose and then my forehead.

My phone began ringing again, and it was Charles. He had called a total of ten times now.

"We should answer, he's probably going insane Maggie." Harry said.

"I know." I watched as the call ended and I took a deep breath, "Can you call him, please. Just explain everything?"

"Of course." He kissed the top of my head and exited the room.

Harry's POV

I walked out and Becca was asleep on the chair outside Maggie's room. I sat next to her and she woke up slightly, "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. She just wants me to call Charles. Why don't you go in there with her? Keep her from stressing herself out."

She nodded and yawned, stretching as she got up and made her way inside.

When I was alone I rested my head back against the wall behind the chair.

A dad. I'm going to be a dad.

I had been going in circles in my mind since Maggie told me what had happened. I felt guilty, at how careless we had been, but she kept assuring me that the responsibility was on both of us. I knew it could have happened even with the protection. Maggie and I had only been together about half a year, and I had never been so wrapped up in someone like I was with her. I had never wanted to be with someone so much and this didn't change that. As freaked out as I felt, the fact she was carrying my child, the fact that we might lose it, it only made me love her more.

I sat up and pulled out my phone calling Charles, my fingers running through my hair.

"Finally. What's going on Harry? Is she okay?"

"Yeah mate, I'm sorry. I was respecting her wishes. She's fine. She umm," I swallowed and laughed a bit, "Imma be a dad."

There was silence from Charles end. I could only imagine what was going through his mind. I knew he had Anita now, but anyone would have to be an idiot to think that Charles wouldn't always hold a place in his heart for Maggie that no one could replace.

"Harry, that's. That's really great. But is she okay? Why is she in the ER?"

"Because we might also lose the baby. From the fall. She's not in the clear until the cramping she's experiencing stops. They are monitoring both right now."

"Anita said they didn't catch the woman."

I took a deep breath, "No. They didn't. They are working on getting the camera footage from all the surrounding businesses."

He was silent for a moment, "Can I see her?"

"I'm not trying to deny you Charles, I just, I know she will cry if she sees you. She can't get worked up right now. As soon as she's in the clear, I will let you know. I just don't want to stress her out." I swallowed, this wasn't easy for me.

"I understand. Don't worry Haz. Just keep me, I mean us, Anita and I posted."

"Of course. Speak soon."

I hung up and took a deep breath. I clicked through my contacts dialing Jeff. Somehow I knew, we had a lot of damage control in the media coming our way.

And hour has passed when I finally got off the phone with Jeff. I walked into the room and found Maggie and Becca asleep in each other's arms. I smiled softly at the image. Knowing Maggie would be the best mom, knowing how she took care of Becca and her mom. Knowing how perfect she was when it came to making sure everything was as it should be.

I had to quickly wipe the tears I felt in my eyes, rubbing at them.

God. I hope we don't lose this baby.

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