Chapter 27: Distance, Fighting, Breakdown, Crying

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Harry's POV

In the movies, when a character miscarries, that's usually where it ends. You watch the character enter their depressive state, and over time move on.

They don't tell you how, you have to watch the love of your life in pain, as she rides out her miscarriage. They don't tell you it's a process that can last a week or more. They don't tell you what she has to go through, the constant reminder that she isn't pregnant anymore until her body decides it back to normal. Until her body decides it has finished the process.

I hadn't touched Maggie, in two weeks now. She wouldn't let me. She would barely make eye contact with me, and her responses were always short.

I wheeled her through the back area of the airport where we had been escorted privately, feeling like I was not only losing my child, but losing Maggie as well.

"Mags, you okay? Am I moving too fast?" I asked.

"Fine." She responded, looking out the big windows at the planes on the tarmac.

"Okay." I said swallowing hard, I felt Becca squeeze my arm and give me a small smile.

We walked onto the private plane Jeff had managed to get us, and I helped Maggie get to the last back two seats. I hated how she winced against my touch, and it took everything in me not cry. I covered her legs with a blanket and turned to the empty seat next to her.

"Can I or. Or would you prefer I didn't?" I asked.

"Didn't." She said looking down at her hands.

I nodded and turned to the seats across from her, slipping into one, and looking out the window.

I woke up mid flight to her quiet screams, as she cried through her nightmare. I saw Becca begin to get up and I shook my head, moving quickly to the seat next to Maggie.

I kept my hands to myself, quietly call out to her.

"Maggie. Maggie baby, wake up Maggie." I watched as her eyes shot open, holding onto my gaze. To my surprise, instead of looking away, she began crying, reaching out to my sweater and gripping onto it. I moved the arm rest up and pulled her against to me as she cried.

"Why Harry? Why?" She cried into my chest and I swallowed hard, unable to stop my own tears.

"I don't know darling. I don't..." I began sobbing. Unable to finish my sentence. I just held her close against me. Relieved that she wasn't pushing me away. That she was letting me hold her this way. I didn't realize how much I needed this. How much I had been holding back.

We clung on to each other, until we both fell asleep. When we woke up, we were back at LAX and I was relieved, when she insisted on holding my hand the entire time.

The media got a hold of the story quickly. Maggie's voice about Jeff being the one leaking the stories played in my mind. I shook my head, hating the idea of my team betraying me this way. I knew Jeff and I had a rough patch with the Olivia of it all, but I thought we were past it.

The paparazzi eventually found out where Maggie and I had been living. I hated that the safety of her mother's home had been tarnished. For Becca as well. A week after the first incident I had a gate put in to keep them as far as possible.

We had received an outpouring of love on social media and the kitchen was filled with more flowers than we could keep track of.

Maggie and I struggled. Her need for me on the plane and at the airport faded quickly, and she went back to not wanting me near her.

We began sleeping separately. She wouldn't eat. Or she would eat so much until she was sick. She kept missing her doctor appointments, and it would always turn into a yelling match when she did.

"Maggie. This isn't just something you can not go to again. They need to make sure you're okay. I'm taking you. I don't care if I have to carry you out." I said, my voice slightly rose.

"Try it. I will scream the whole way. I don't want to go. I'm not going to go. Stop acting like you can make me do anything." She yelled harshly.

"Margarita stop acting like a child. You're going. The first three times I let slide but not today. We are going. I'm not doing this with you anymore."

"Then don't. Leave. No one is making you stay with me. The door is right there." She yelled, her eyes so cold, I for a second forgot who I was looking at.

"Stop it. Stop the bullshit. Stop fucking trying to sabotage this because it isn't going to work Maggie. So fucking stop." I turned and walked away, slamming the door as I did.

I sat in the hall next to the door and took a deep breath. Wiping the tears from my eyes. I heard Becca's quiet footsteps, as she walked over and sat next to me. She didn't say anything, just sat there.

She watched me pull out my phone, and do the thing that I hated, but I needed a break. My heart couldn't handle it.

H: Charles. I can't anymore. Please come.

I closed my eyes, and rested my head back on the wall, taking a deep breath. Becca hugged me and I placed my hand softly on her arm and cried.

Maggie's POV

My door opened after a quick knock and Charles walked in.

"Of course they called you." I said cooly, looking away.

"Maggie. I'm not putting up with your shit today. So either get up and change, or I'm taking you in what you are wearing." He said, his tone serious.

"Why do you all insist on thinking you can make me do whatever you want?"

"Because you insist on acting like a child. Look Maggie. I know you are hurting. I know none of us will ever know what you are feeling or going through, but that was Harry's child too. That was his baby. That you damn well know he hadn't stopped speaking of since the moment he found out. You can't keep attacking him to make you feel good Maggie. Look what it did to us. Look how that destroyed us. Soon he'll start attacking back, and there is no coming back from that Maggie. I know. I remember."

I bit my lip and didn't move my eyes from Charles.

"God, Maggie. I can't handle this anymore. I can't handle you being sweet to me one moment and a bitch the next.'re making me resent you. I don't want to resent you but I do."

Tears came and I wiped them quickly. I moved the covers off of me and got up slowly.

"Can you please get out so I can change?" I said softly.

"Yes." He didn't say another word. He just closed the door behind him, and I got up and changed.

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