11. The dragon's kiss

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Where am I?

I heard heavy flapping of wings, and thunderous flapping coming from behind me. I turned around, quickly enough to see a large four-winged golden dragon flying towards me and blowing out a breath of fire. But, I was too slow to dodge the flame it blew on me. I screamed as the fire headed to me, blocking my face with my hands, hoping it would protect me. It completely consumed me.

The pain was unbearable. I screamed and cried in pain, calling for Elle but no one came. After what seemed like hours, the flame whirled around me, forming a thin fire vine. The vines snaked around my hands and slashed down to my back. I raised my wet face to the dragon who had been watching me. He spread his wings, showing me his large wingspans and flapped them. The wind pushed me, sending me flying out of the realm in a whirling fire portal.

I gasped as I woke up, tight in Ace's arms. Elle was crying as she sprayed water on my face. "Rinette, please be okay. Ace, what have you done to my sister?!"

"I didn't do anything, I swear on my life!"

"Her body is badly burnt, what happened?"

"I don't know, this has never happened before," Ace said in great confusion. I wasn't crying again, I was just staring into space.

"Any ideas?"

"Rinette, what happened? What did you see?"

"Altar, bowl of fire, burning trees…"

"She saw the eternal flame, that is impossible!"

"What's the eternal flame?" Elle asked.

"Just go to my house—"

"Van," she corrected.

"Does it matter?! Just go there and check my special box for a vile with thick glowing blue liquid. Hurry up," she nodded and dashed off, her speed channelling wind into my face. "I'm so sorry, Marinette, I didn't mean for this to happen…" he apologised, running his fingers through his burning hair. I still wasn't crying, I just stared at him with my mouth open even though I was in exquisite pain. "Stand up."

He carried me up and ran to I think Elle's bathroom. He dropped me on my feet and stared at me apologetically before ripping my clothes off. It was a good thing I was wearing shorts and a sports bra. He turned on the faucet of the bathtub and grinned at me.

"Why are you grinning and why am I naked?"

"Half naked," he corrected, pushing me down to sit at the edge of the tub. "You are so cute when you cry,"

"That is not funny, I am in pain," I suddenly felt my lips quivering.

"Yes, but still, you are adorable!" He squealed, pinching my cheeks. I giggled despite myself, momentarily forgetting my pain. "I love your eyes, they sparkle when they are wet,"

"Really?" I asked with bulging eyes filled with enthusiasm.

"Really. Never seen blue-green eyes as sparkling as yours," he averted his glowing yellow eyes to my hair and ran his hand through my locks. "Beautiful hair,"

"People say my hair and eyes are nasty,"

"They are jealous. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of them. Your hair is glorious, Rinette, as glorious as Midnight's coat," I closed my eyes as his hands ran along my body, soothing the burn on my skin, sending an unfamiliar sensation coursing through my entire body. It was nice.

"Thank you," I said shyly with eyes still closed. I didn't care if he was lying or not, as long as the cute guy said or lied that I was pretty, then I was fine. "So, the fire I saw was what again?"

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