16. You're mine

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I stood there staring at him as he looked at me with disbelief, obviously by how beautiful I looked. I felt like fainting with the way he was looking at me. I glanced at Ann who remained calm in her seat, a smirk on her face. I glanced at Ace who was staring at Roy's hand on my arm with a narrowed gaze, like he would break it soon. With all the courage from him and Ann, I whipped my hand away from Roy's hold and glared at him.

"Marinette, is this really you?"

"Yes, any problem?" I asked calmly.

"No way, this bitch here can't be Marinette. The one I know is as ugly as my old maid's shoes," Maribeth said incredulously.

"There you have it, the one you know or in this case, knew. I am no longer like her and I would appreciate it if you behaved yourself and avoided causing unnecessary scenes. My boyfriend is watching me and he is a very jealous person. Roy, for your sake, don't let him know you are the rapist he has been searching for, you will die this very minute." I smirked at him and looked at Ann.

"Ready to leave, sunshine?"

"After you, babe," she stood up and pushed Roy aside, the tip of her fingers momentarily turned blue.

"There is no way you—" Ann snapped her head to Maribeth and gazed into her eyes, hypnotising her. She looked at each one of them, keeping them under her control.

"Go back to where you were before coming here and don't bother Marinette Karnowsky ever again. Is that clear?"

"Yes," they turned, all of them and then left. I breathe out, I never knew I was holding my breath. My feet moved on their own, I walked to Ace immediately, my body trembling with fear. Some girls surrounded him, touching him on his chest, head and arms. I ignored the sting in my heart and pushed them all out of my way, away from him.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?!" One of them yelled over the music. I rolled my eyes, trying my best not to embrace the speck of fury and jealousy burning in my heart. I tried my best to ignore the urge to pull her stupid blonde hair and hideous blue eyes off. Boyfriend snatcher.

"Ace, it is either you answer me or I leave with Ann," I threatened. Even though he had his headphones on, I knew he could hear me. He chuckled and lowered the headphone to his neck.

"Okay, girls, time to go. Angry girlfriend is here." I rolled my eyes even though I secretly smirked at the looks on their faces.

Yes, take that, bitches, I am his girlfriend.

"Are you all deaf? Get away from my boyfriend before I break countless bottles on your heads," they all moved aside but didn't leave. "Ace!" I shouted. "I want to go back home, now!" I demanded. Instead of replying, he suddenly pulled me by my waist to stand very close to him. He wrapped his hand around my waist and kissed my temple.

"It's okay, they won't hurt you when I'm here," he whispered into my ear. I exhaled, relaxing into his arms and accepting the heat that was gushing from his hand to my body. He kissed my forehead and the corner of my lips. I giggled, squirming because of the tingles that came from each kiss. "You were so bold, but you should have kneed that guy for me. How dare he touch you!"

"I almost fainted talking to him. He is very…" The moment he drew his brows in, I knew the wheel in his head was turning. Rielle was right, Ace is the cleverest person in the whole school. He might act stupid, but trust me, he's not.

"Wait, is he the guy who raped you?" Ace asked with a sudden cold tone, one that clearly stated he was going to kill Roy if he ended up being the person. I hate the guy, but I don't want him to die because of me. I'm not going to have that on my conscience.

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