33. How do you do it?

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We stared at each other in complete silence, fear lingering in the air, the tension so sharp it could cut through anyone. Elle clicked her tongue and cocked her hips. "What are we going to do now? We can't let this happen, we'll become slaves too,"

"I can't think of anything," I admitted. I was more worried about my boyfriend taking part. I knew something was missing, but I didn't expect this. Sybil doesn't use Ace because she has a crush on him, she uses Ace because he's the only face she knows.

"Any clue where she hid her body? Maybe we can kill her body and destroy the sceptre," Leaf suggested uncertainly.

"Hmm, let me see if she left a clue," Elle said, reopening the book. She flipped through pages, her eyes swiftly reading the words. "Found something that might be useful…" She left her words hanging, unsure of what she was saying.

"Okay, what is it?"

"None can pass the watery gate
None can escape the beast within
Through scales and flying swords
Let the banshee wail.
Over the sea of fire
And the sun's death kiss
Let the silver rain fall.
And let battles and cries and death
End up on a heath
Can you take the risk?
Fight your wars your way
Only the strongest shall prevail."

"Wow, that makes no sense," Leaf said. "We're doomed,"

"Is that a song?" I asked.

"It might be a secret message, a map perhaps," Ace replied calmly, heading out of the library.

"I doubt that," Elle said sceptically. "Why would she leave her location for her to be found out? Isn't that suspicious?" Elle asked thoughtfully.

"We could either be walking into a trap or be going to the right place," Ace said mirthlessly, inclining his head to the door so we could all step out. Elle slammed the book shut and put it in her hoodie. The hoodie had a big kangaroo pocket.

"Should we risk it?" I asked unsurely, walking over to Ace.

"It's not like we have a choice. It's better than just sticking around like idiots. We don't even know how to get out of here." Elle said with an agitated huff.

"I agree. We can either just go back and wait to become slaves, or we try to fix this. I don't have anything useful to do with my life anyway." Gomez said bitterly, his hands in his hoodie's front pocket.

"You have a pack to rule in the future," Leaf reminded him.

"What's the point? My father doesn't love me and doesn't care about me. I might be the next alpha but he wishes to pass my birthright to his beta. He believes I'm a weakling and a disappointment."

"That's harsh, and your mother?"

"Dead, they are one of the worst mates on earth. They fought, argued, cheated and in the end, one died. A brilliant love story with the perfect ending." He said ironically.

"I'm sorry if that hurts you, Gomez," Leaf whimpered.

"That doesn't change the fact that I don't want a mate. That mate bond thing is useless and even if I do find my mate," he eyed Leaf briefly. "I will reject her instantly." A strong wince formed in Leaf's face, a soft whimper leaving her mouth. I exchanged awkward looks with Ann, Elle and Ace. Elle seemed to already know, her look confirmed my suspicion. Poor Leaf has been loving him for so long and wondering why when he knew. How was he able to keep his wolf from claiming her? Damn! He must be cold-hearted in that area.

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