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Her heart thumps against her chest, and she looks around for Leaf and Ann. They were gone as well. Then she saw them, Leaf in the middle of the eastern side of the ballroom, kneeling in a circle as she muttered something with eyes closed. She traced the line of the circle with her eyes, tracing it to Ann who was doing the same thing at the western part of the room. Her eyes followed it to the southern side, where her sister knelt, doing the same thing. Quickly following the lines, it ended on her, she was in the north, in a black circle. What they were doing suddenly crossed her mind, she looked at the floor Ace and Ivy stood, they were in a circle.

It all made sense, Ace was acting. He first lured her into the circle which connected all the other circles together and then said all those words to make it seem real. The kiss meant nothing, he was distracting her. She looked at her shadow monsters, they could see what was happening but didn't utter a word, Darcy was involved.

‹Close your eyes and let your lips move, Marinette, I will guide you.› Darcy whispered in her head.

With a smile on her face, Marinette shut the lid of her eyes and let her lips move. Each circle flowed as the power of their gems radiated into it, flowing to the main circle where Ivy and Ace stood. Ivy whimpered, feeling the fire burning her, the heat scorching her dead skin. Ace snapped his eyes open, right before Ivy did a little too late. With his hand a bubbling liquid fire, he dug his claws into her chest and ripped out her gem, using his other hand to take her sceptre.

Ivy screamed in pain and shock, reeling back and falling on the floor. Ace jumped out of the circle, not sparing more than two seconds before he slammed his hands in the circle, channelling his energy into it. He stood up and moved back, watching the circle ignite with fire, a black fire.

"No! No!" Ivy hollered. "Armek, how could you do this to me?! How?!"

"Like I said," Ace said with disgust, wiping his lips with a scrunched nose. "My name is Aceson, not Armek."

"It hurts, this fire hurts, make it stop, stop it!" She cried.

"It might be my fire mixed with their lights, but it is Marinette's to stop." He threw the sceptre towards Rinette who caught it effortlessly. The gem in his hand disappeared as expected. She stood up, once again radiating with her dark magic, her dark empress aura.

"I gave you a chance to change, Ivy, you spat on my face."

"You stole him away from me!"

"What do you want, Ivy? The man that doesn't love you anymore, or justice for all that has been done to you?" Rinette asked coldly. "Is it him that would give you peace, or justice? Would your mother be proud of what you are doing? Do you think Sibyl is happy where she is? Ivy, I will fulfil the promise I made to you, but I want you to forgive, not the ones you already killed, but the ones that did nothing. Please, Ivy, I beg you."

"There is no use," Ivy cried. "I cannot live in a world where his heart is tied to you. All I wanted was my happily ever after. I grew up dreaming about my blessed beloved, the one that would love me for the rest of my life but all that was stolen from me. What I want, Marinette, is a chance to get that happily ever after, an opportunity to rule my kingdom as my mother grew me up fantasising about, to have my little sister rule by my side. All my dreams, all my hopes, everything is gone. You can keep him, you can all get your peace. Remember to remind them of who we are, make my story a legacy and give Sibyl and me a befitting memorial. As for who would rule, I plead that the throne be passed to Marielle in my name. She has the heart of a leader, the aura of a queen and the intellect to carry the kingdom on. Do not throw away my last wish, Marinette, I beg you."

Marinette watched her slowly crinkle up, she still didn't deserve a sad ending. Looking at the sceptre in her hand, Marinette summoned all the energy from her white gem, pushing down all the darkest and bringing forth her light. The fog that flowed out of her turned from black to white, sinking into the sceptre. With the promise made in her heart, she smashed the sceptre on the floor, breaking it to pieces. Ivy let out a loud screech before bursting into ash. Her white fog retracted back into her body, her physical form returning and her feet descending on the floor. Everyone who was held was set free, all sighing with relief.

"Marinette," Ace rushed her with a hug. "I'm so sorry I made you cry, I didn't mean any words I said…"

"It's okay, Ace, I know.… wait," she raised her head to meet his gaze. "How did you communicate to Darcy to act like she surrendered her powers to Ivy when she didn't? How did you do it without me knowing?"

"Simple," he smiled. "I did this," he claimed her lips, pulling her closer to feel his real mate again. Marinette moaned into his mouth, her muscles relaxing to his touch. They didn't have any time to dive deep because Elle ripped them apart and continued the hugging ritual.

"Oh my baby, I was so worried you wouldn't understand what we were doing on time. Thank goodness you did. I told you to trust me."

"Yes, you did," Rinette said smilingly. "Queen, huh?"

"Don't even start,"

"My turn!" Leaf squealed. "We did it! We did it, Marinette! We saved Twilight Myth!" She shrieked, hugging both Elle and Rinette tightly.

"Group hug!" Ann squealed too, joining the tight embrace.

"Leaf, are you crying?" Elle asked chucklingly.

"Yes, I'm so happy. For the first time in my life, I did something good with myself, I saved so many people. Thank you, Marinette, for changing my life, helping me make friends that love and care about me, and giving me a chance with my mate, I appreciate it."

"Aww, thank you too, Leaf, for being my friend and helping me at the risk of your own life. Stop crying, I'm going to cry too."

"Me too," Elle said shakily. "Don't let us embarrass ourselves,"

"Women," Gomez scoffed. Someone cleared his throat. The girls broke apart and turned to the councils of vampires. With a nod at Rinette, all nineteen elders bowed to Marielle, their new queen. Elle looked at Rinette, unsure of what to do, her father was bowing to her.

"Please, rise?" She said unsurely, shifting from one foot to the other. They all rose with a smile.

"Come, we will talk about your coronation,"

"Now?" She whined.

"Later," her father said buoyantly. "Right now, we are going to drink, dance and celebrate!"

"Yes!" Rinette laughed and shook her head

"Dad, you can't dance,"

"Nonsense! I'll show you I can!" And the argument began. Ace pulled Rinette away from the crowd, out of the ballroom.

"What did you do when you switched powers?"

"Marielle will not find love easily, but when she does, she will marry him and give birth to twins, the reincarnation of Ivy and Sibyl. Ivy wouldn't have her face nor memories, but she would have the life of her dreams."

"Are you sure about that?"


"How do you feel now?"

"Fulfilled," Ace nodded and grinned.

"Let's take that fulfilment to my bedroom. I still need to rip that dress off you and ram you until you lose your voice from extravagant screaming."

"Or you are avoiding proud comments from your father," Marinette said with a knowing chuckle.


"Speak of the devil, run!" Sweeping her off her feet, Ace ran out of the castle with his speed, her beautiful laughter flowing into the air like a sweet melody.

This was her happily ever after.

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