46. Testimony - Ivy's return

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he elders yelled over each other's voices while the rest of the non-vampires watched them. Marinette closed her eyes and let her dark nature enfold her. From her body exploded dark energy and shadows, snuffing out the lights and blocking the light of the moon from getting in. Everywhere went silent with a thick fear, so solid a knife wouldn't be able to penetrate through. Never had they seen such in their entire lives. The shadows and shadow demons flew around them, cackling and giggling, some shouting the cries of the dead. Marinette stood tall in the air in her true form, a legless damsel with death in her hair, and poison in the tip of her tongue. Her pale bluish-white skin glowed in the midst of her darkness whirling around her feet as she levitated seven feet from the ground.

"Upon you all I bring the victim to speak for herself," her voice echoed in the room, the icy deadly sound bouncing off the walls and dancing back to them, sending cold air down their spines and tingling on the surface of their skins. She bashed into the floor, passing through it with a violent impact that caused the room to shake again. The sceptre from Ivy's coffin stood there in her place, the darkness covering the sky parted, making way for the magic of the planetary alignment to take place. The stars connected, forming patterns in the sky, imprisoning the dark moon and turning its light to one of unnameable colour.

The censer burnt intensely, smoke rising up and surrounding the sceptre. The light reflected on the sceptre of darkness, activating the dark spells that dwelled at its depths. Rinette rose from the ground again, floating to stand before the censer.

"Planets and sun inline
Moon and stars at the same time
Darkest powers of the night
Stay put where I reflect your light
A lock of hair to summon…" She dropped Ivy's hair into the censer.

"The ring of queens to aid my course…" She dropped the golden royal ring Elle stole from King Winot for her. She murmured the rest of the spells to herself as she cut her palm over the censer, squeezing it so her blood would flow in.

Marinette could see nothing but darkness and the face of who she was summoning. She repeated the backup spell in her head, hoping it would hold. The shrill laugh of Ivy snapped the darkness away, bringing back her pale-coloured visions. Everyone stood aghast as they watched the girl with an evil smile, red eyes focused on King Winot. The skylight shone on her and her alone, showing off the sheen princess with a dark heart. Rinette was shocked, she could swear she hid Ivy's body, how did it get out? If she thought Elle and Liliane were graceful and sophisticated, she was exaggerating, Ivy was everything one could call a goddess.

Elle was bemused, and so was Gomez, Ann and Leaf who didn't see her that day. They were both terrified and mesmerised by her beauty.

"Lights," she snapped her fingers, and the lights came back on, pushing Rinette's shadows and demons down. "Wow, wow, wow," she said with a grin, looking around the room. "You are all here, wonderful."

"Ivy," Winot said with fear.

"Yes, Ivy," she hissed. Her eyes flashed with a darker shade of red. "Are you having a good time after stealing my throne, killing my sister and… Where's he? Where's my Armek?" She asked frantically, looking around for Ace who had cleverly hidden himself behind a pillar. "He isn't here?" She turned to Rinette. "Why isn't he here? Where is he?"

"He is none of your business, now state why you are here,"

"I will come back to you, for now, back to you," within the blink of an eye, she had Winot pinned to the wall, and a wave of panic passed through the crowd. "Don't even think of using your dark magic on me, it won't work, you will only hurt yourself."

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