29. The search

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That is what I would use to clarify how I felt back then. I was afraid of the unknown, afraid of what I would find, what I would meet and what might happen. I had no clue or any idea what it was but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Marielle drove us to school slower than her usual driving speed. She was lost in thought like I was.

"Marinette," she called softly. I turned my attention from the window to her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"Nervous. Are you nervous too?"

"Terrified," I said with a nervous laugh. She laughed too and cleared her throat. I'd decided it was time I spoke to her about Ace. I knew she had feelings for him, I was tired of convincing myself that she didn't. I needed to know my stand with him, I needed to set things straight before I hated the one person that had always been there for me. I needed to do it. "Elle, remember how we promised each other to not keep secrets from each other? Secrets that would hurt us if found out on our own?"

"Am I keeping any secrets from you?" She asked cryptically. She rolled her eyes around nervously. I might not be the smartest person, but when it comes to predicting her, I am.

"Were you ever going to tell me that Ace is my mate?" She clenched the steering wheel and gulped. "He still hasn't told me even if we are dating now, but would you have told me if we weren't? Or even when we are?"

"I really wanted to," she said guiltily. "But Ace is my best friend and I love him very much. He was scared and confused and emotional and made me promise to keep shut up until he can find the courage to either win your heart completely before telling you or tell you either way. You know me, I don't ever break a promise, do I?"

"I'm afraid he would hurt me,"

"I was afraid of that too, but I got to trust that he wouldn't do anything to completely smash your heart…"

"Completely? So he can smash it partially?" I asked, feigning annoyance. She laughed.

"You know that's not what I meant,"

"I know," I smiled. "Are you okay with everything?"

She snorted. "I watch him kiss and touch you every time, tolerate him sneaking into your room most nights to seduce you, I think I'll be fine." I went crimson, she knew all along. Well, of course, she would. I'm a pretty good screamer.

"Another question, do you have any feelings for Ace?" I asked nervously, chewing on my inside cheek. She sighed heavily and nodded. "Oh."

"I'd always loved him more than a friend, he was my first love. Everything changed after I was put under the spell after my heart was forced to love Dermot. When the spell broke, I admit my feelings returned… Please don't hate me or feel threatened by my feelings, it means nothing. Ace never loved me, at least, not the same way and now, I know he will never see me as I want him to see me…" I whimpered, sinking into the chair. "Don't cry or whine, I've almost gotten rid of the feeling, I will get over it soon, I promise. Don't feel threatened by me."

"Promise this won't come between us?" I pleaded.

"Sisters forever," she held out her pinky. I crossed it and grinned.

"And ever and ever,"


I followed Sibyl slowly. She appeared to me in class and insisted I follow her. She took me far into the school's compound, leading me to the tower. The tower was abandoned and turned into a room for junk and unwanted properties and items. "Here we are!" She announced. Dust covered everywhere, cobwebs and things I can't explain. "This was Ivy's bedroom before we were locked up,"

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