34. The perfect team

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My eyes widened, and my mouth fell open. He tilted my head up to look into my eyes. I blinked in shock, his expression reflected his words. My throat went dry, and my voice was completely lost. He blinked slowly, steering his lips into a smirk. "Ace," I called breathlessly. "I don't…"

"Let's talk about this another time, we should focus on what is going on," I exhaled with relief. Dealing with his confession wasn't that important, for now. I was glad he was kind enough to understand that.

I felt something snake around my leg before I was suddenly yanked into the pool with a scream. I held my breath as the ice-block water enfolded me. Bubbles spread from my mouth, my eyes blurring. I shook my head and looked at what was holding me, a long tentacle. The tentacle was spiky, it felt like thousands of tiny pins were wrapped around my leg. The tentacle pulled me towards a coral cage. Ann must have trapped it in there. The coral reef would have been beautiful if I hadn't been dragged to my doom.

"Let go of my friend!" I heard Ann yell. I found her face, and I almost drooled. Her pretty crystalline hair fell in waves, flowing down to her tail. It was odd, her tail was merged with the sea, flowing around in a beautiful green sea coat. Mind I add her hair covering her breasts, her blue gem shining from her forehead. She raised her hand, some kind of coral spike forming in her hand. She threw it at the tentacle. The giant squid-octopus was smart. He whipped me in the water, using me as a bat to hit the blast away.

I screamed in pain, feeling pricks all over my body. She swam back, confused about what to do. I could feel my energy depleting, it was draining me of everything I've got. It pulled me into the weak coral cage, I was thrashing woefully. Six strong seaweed snaked around my waist, right before blue fireballs hit the tentacle. The thing cried out in pain, its grip around my leg weakening. The seaweed yanked me away and hurled me up.

I screamed with fright as my body zoomed through the cold water. The speed made the coldness cut through my skin, making it feel like I was being ripped. Ace caught me, his body burning faintly with blue fire. Ann quickly created a bubble around us to keep us dry. Ace hugged me, his agitation showing in his hug. I coughed violently, water spluttering out of my mouth as I struggled to keep my eyes open to watch the fight.

‹What an insult! He drained half of your light powers, go take it back!› Darcy shouted. I watched as Leaf swam fast, dodging the tentacles attacking her. The thing was using my energy to break the coral.

"Ann, restrengthen your coral cage!"

"I'm trying," Ann groaned. Leaf spun up in the water, her pink light spinning spirally around her. She turned around with a swift movement and channelled all the energy into her hands and redirected the energy to the cage, blasting the ground around it. Giant seaweeds burst out of the ground, lacing themselves with the coral cage and fastening them together. Ann sighed gratefully, Leaf's seaweed had tightened the corals together.

‹Darcy.› I coughed. Darcy took over, the colours in my vision paling and my skin tingling.

"I'll be back, Ace," I told him. I dashed out of the bubble and swam straight to the thing in the form of a zapping black currant. I entered the cage and then inside him. I had the power of possession to all beings and things. Now settling in the heart of the creature, I extracted my light powers and then controlled it to tangle his tentacles.

The thing wailed, rolling on the ground of its new home. I jumped out of his body and swam out of the cage. Ace did a move, surprising me with how well he could use his powers under water. Channelling all the lightning he absorbed earlier at the portal or maybe the natural one in his body, Ace cleverly and carefully directed the charge to the cage, not hunting the squid-octopus but electrifying the cage. Elle, who must have dived into the water, spread her hands. Her hair and eyes turned emerald, the lines of her palms turning jade too. She clapped her hands, the magical force of her clap waving to the cage.

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